ALDA’s statement on the situation in Tunisia

Statement by ALDA Vice President Mr. Alessandro Perelli

“ALDA follows with great attention what is happening in Tunisia – affirms Vice-President Alessandro Perelli – considering that it has opened a Local Democracy Agency in Kairouan, the first in Africa, having an office in Tunis. This agency, followed by the one in Morocco, was desired both by President Oriano Otočan and the Governing Board, marking a historic turning point for our association and its operations.

All of this was possible thanks to the determination of the Tunisian people, who, with the Jasmine Revolution, shared the European values that are the basis of ALDA. Yet, young Tunisian institutions are going through a particularly delicate moment, caused by a general socio-economical malaise, and a widespread corruption. The latter caused divisions and tensions, resulting in recent events.

It is necessary to preserve the expectations of the people that have chosen, with courage, the democratic path and it is crucial to continue the policy of collaboration and closeness to the European Union. Freedom and democratic rules are essential for growth and development and must be defended and protected.

ALDA will do its part by renewing its commitment for the participation of citizens in administrative life, equal opportunities, active citizenship, as well as for all those principles and values that at the basis of the European Union. »