
ALDA Italia APS becomes reality: ALDA announces its launch during the press conference

ožu 30, 2023

Good governance Territorial & local development

With the advent of spring, ALDA launched ALDA Italia APS – Association of Social Promotion, locally registered branch of ALDA, during the Press Conference held on March 21, 2023, at ALDA’s office in Vicenza (Italy). 

The Press Conference, which saw the participation of several regionally active journalists, was opened by Ms. Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA and President of ALDA Italia, who highlighted the strict link between ALDA and ALDA Italia APS “Since 1999, ALDA has grown a lot, not only at the level of implemented activities and established partnerships, but also from a structural point of view, without ever failing in its mission, values and objectives: to support municipalities and citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving the local environment”  – stated Ms. Valmorbida.

After having grown from 2 to 6 offices in Europe and its neighbourhood, having built a solid network of more than 300 members and having developed and implemented more than 500 projects, we realised that the time had come to strengthen our roots and connections at local level, in the countries where ALDA has its offices. It is from the will to become actors of local change at 360 degrees that ALDA Italia was born, to be even closer to our territory and its community.” – continued Ms. Valmorbida.

ALDA Italia APS represents an additional tool to expand ALDA’s reach and undertake more targeted and coherent activities, becoming real actors of local change

The speech of ALDA Secretary General was followed by the words of Mr. Marco Boaria, Director of ALDA Italia APS, who explained to the journalists the structure and aim of the latter: “ALDA Italia APS represents an additional tool to expand ALDA’s reach and undertake more targeted and coherent activities, becoming real actors of local change” – said Mr. Boaria. “The Italian Association, is already active with a project on territorial regeneration, and many more activities are yet to come” – concluded. 

The Press Conference ended with a presentation of the H.I.L.L. project – Habitat in Living Landscape, of which ALDA Italia is a partner, by Ms. Luisa Dal Prà, Project Manager at ALDA Italia APS.

The opening of ALDA Italia APS  is only the beginning of a process that will see the launch of local branches in all the countries where ALDA is based, in order to strengthen its presence at local level and create a solid basis to stimulate the participatory process of citizens, from the roots of civil society.