
ALDA renews its REF – Réseau Euromed France membership

فبراير 25, 2021

Good governance

Since 2019, ALDA has been engaged in the REF – Réseau Euromed France, a network reuniting French organisations working in the Mediterranean area who share common values and cover a variety of topics, such as youth and education, arts and culture, migration, social and solidarity economy, the environment, gender equality, human rights…

ALDA is particularly engaged, as a member of the Steering Committee:

  • in the MAJALAT programme, which seeks to create spaces for dialogue between civil society organisations of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean and the EU
  • and in the Jeunesses Mediterranéennes programme, a pluri-thematic network of young Mediterranean activists.

ALDA, and specifically its Middle East & Africa department, brings its expertise on topics such as good governance, citizens participation but also migration, thematics on which we co-organised workshops in the framework of the Jeunesses Méditerranéennes meetings in Tunis in April 2019. We as well are engaged to organise the next meetings which should take place in Marseille in July 2021.

A partnership stimulating contacts with organisations working in all corners of the Mediterranean, fostering cooperation activities and joint advocacy

In 2020, ALDA has been awarded a “FAIRgrant by the network, in partnership with the French NGO Solidarité Laïque, which is supporting the organisation of a seminar on the topic of french-tunisian decentralised cooperation and the role of civil society in this process which will take place the next 5th March.

Moreover, the participation in this network allows ALDA to be in constant contact with organisations working in all corners of the Mediterranean, and represents a great opportunity for partnership building and joint advocacy.

Let’s see what else we can build together!