
First 2021 ALDA Governing Board

فبراير 11, 2021

Good governance

Following the great start of last December, on Thursday, 11t-h of February, the Governing Board of ALDA met online for the first time in 2021.

As the last time, the agenda was full of important and stimulating issues. Members of the governing board especially focused on the division of delegations to the Governing Board members, adopted the action plan for the selection of the Advisory Board members and for setting the Working Groups among our members.

As every year, the Governing Board also started the year evaluating and assessing the work of the LDAs for the label approval and took decision on the support and assessment processes to be followed for the year ahead, and also planning the steps for the opening of new LDAs in our enlarged vision.

Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words

The implementation of the newly adapted ALDA strategy (here) also was among the main topics discussed and Resilience, Accountability, Sustainability and Inclusion were among the key words!

Once again, this meeting was the occasion for the Governing Board not only to take relevant and meaningful decisions, but also it allowed the members to share their opinions and ideas, always working for the best of ALDA.