
2030 Youth Vision

Local policy development and youth participation


The project aims to increase the active participation of young people, with a focus on those belonging to disadvantaged groups, in the co-production of local policies for the achievement of SDGs.


  1. Improve the capacities of young people to participate actively in the co-production of local policies, including the design of the participation process.
  2. Promote knowledge, skills and awareness of young people about the 2030 Agenda and SDGs with a stronger link to local
    policies: SDGs 5 « Gender equality », 8 « Decent work and economic growth », 10 “Reduced inequalities” and 11 “Inclusive and
    sustainable cities”.
  3. Provide tools to youth workers and local agents to support the inclusion of youth in local strategic planning processes.
  4. Raise local agents’ awareness on the importance of SDG policy co-production with the involvement of young people.