The International association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF) will organise a seminar in Geneva on 30th and 31st August, which will gather more than 50 high level participants.
The Mayor of the City of Mostar, Mr. Ljubo Beslic, will be one of speakers during the seminar on « Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation » and will present the experience of his City and the role of the Local Democracy Agency, and ALDA, in Mostar.
Ms Marine Henry, project manager in ALDA, will also attend this meeting.
This event, organised with the support of the City of Geneva and two departments of the European Commission, will be structured around three pillars.
A dialogue with the European Commission to facilitate exchange between the European Commission and elected people in order to define the guidelines of the cooperation between the European Commission and Local Authorities for the forthcoming years;
A seminar on « Local Authorities in the prevention of conflict, peace building and reconciliation » organised in the framework of the Permanent Commission « Intercultural dialogue and peace » presided by the City of Kinshasa.
A first workshop on the strategic programme planning of AIMF for the definition of the programme 2014-2020.