
Great conclusion for EGAL II project

Août 12, 2021

Environnement et climat

2021 marked the conclusion of EGAL II (Egalité de Genre dans l’Action Locale /Gender Equality in Local Action), a successful project that targeted participatory gender inclusive activities in Morocco.

 Benefitting from several activities, the Local Democracy Agency Norther Morocco (LDA Norther Morocco) leader of the project, was able to promote and support the capacity of actors to launch pro-gender initiatives in their communities while conveying strong messages on the importance of including rural women in public affairs. More in depth, activities targeted the activation of the role of equity, equal opportunities and gender bodies.

EGAL II: a new journey towards inclusive and sustainable municipalities in Morocco! (LDA Norther Morocco team)

Furthermore, the learning cycle focused on the mechanisms of citizen participation, public policy instruments, leadership, providing actors with mechanisms to enrich local public life. From a general perspective, EGAL actors – be they elected officials, municipal managers, associations –  all expressed their wish to boost their synergies, so that to enhance their inter-municipal dynamics. Among their strong recommendations, one can recall the creation of a collective project with ecological, sustainable tourism.

Finally, actors involved within the project expressed their willingness to deepen their knowledge on the subjects tackled by EGAL II. As mentioned by the ADL NM team: “Today we are proud to have contributed to build a positive dynamic for social change, which has given rise to new collective and inter-communal project ideas. The latter aim to improve the socio-economic and environmental rights of the local population. This is only the beginning of a new journey towards inclusive and sustainable municipalities! » (ADL Northern Morocco team)

ALDA is very much glad to have collaborated once again with local realties in Morocco, by promoting citizens’ participation, engaging with administrative bodies, while stimulating positive and democratic change.