
Mind Inclusion 2.0 celebrated the International Day of People with Disabilities

Déc 16, 2020

Gender, Inclusion & Human rights

On the 2nd and 3rd of December 2020, the project Mind Inclusion 2.0, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, organised a series of events to celebrate the official closure of the project and present the numerous results produced during the past 2 years.

It was not a chance that the event took place on December 3rd, being the International Day of People with Disabilities: a perfect recurrence to draw the attention on the daily challenges faced by people with disabilities, especially in this period.

Indeed, Mind Inclusion 2.0 aims at finding sustainable and inclusive solutions to help caregivers improving their skills and allowing disabled individuals to actively participate to the social life of their community.

« A digital APP to help disabled people to access public spaces and exercise their rights »

The abovementioned webinars saw the participation of great speakers and experts who animated interesting and enriching debates around 3 topics: the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities, the vision of youth about disability and inclusive technology and, last but not least, the link between digital and people with disabilities.

We would like to warmly thank all the participants and panelists who contributed to the success of this 2 days online event:

All the online conferences also served to present and disseminate the main output of the project, namely a digital APP conceived to help people with disabilities to have access to public spaces and to exercise their rights.

Mind Inclusion 2.0 is a project lead by Margherita: Società Cooperativa Onlus (Italy) together with Polibienestar Research Institute, INTRAS Foundation (Spain), Social IT Software & Consulting Srl (Italy), Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendrija «Viltis» (Lithuania) and ALDA (France).

If you wish to know more about the project, you can contact the project manager, Andrea Giaretta at: