
« Partnership building for EU integration » – Training seminar within « The European and our affairs » project

Déc 17, 2012

Good governance Linked project:
The European and Our Affairs

The training seminar „Partnership building for EU integration“ for civil society organisations and local governments, within the project « The European and Our Affairs“, was held in Zavidovici on the 12 December 2012.
One day training in Zavidovici was organised by the LDA Zavidovici in close collaboration with Stanka Parać from ALDA as senior trainer.

The interest for this training was quite high, over 30 representatives of local NGOs and public institutions from Zavidovići and Žepče attended the seminar.
During the training there was presented Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) followed by interactive workshop related with developing an idea into a project proposal, project cycle management and its objectives (clear and realistic project objectives and consistency with and contribution to general policy objectives), project cycle management stages (programming, identification, assessment, financing, implementation and evaluation), general project objective and specific project objectives.
During the training through interactive and simulation exercise participants worked on producing of a concept note for EU projects.
In the closing of the workshop, the participants presented their group work, and the trainers have also provided their comments and practical advice for improvements, while the communication and the group dynamics will be maintained through information share and including the participants into the mailing list for project beneficiaries.
As a follow-up coaching and mentoring process, the participants group was advised not to hesitate to seek advice from trainers on any topic they may not understand, and encouraged to continue good work.
The project « The European and Our Affairs » is funded by the European Union from IPA 2011 Information and Communication Programme. Project is implemented by Association of Local Democracy Agencies – ALDA in partnership with LDA Zavidovići and Municipality of Zavidovići and Development Agency Žepče as associated organisations.
Activities include capacity building, public promotion campaigns, and knowledge share involving diverse sections of local society, while the local policy/decision makers, business sector, NGO-s, local media and young people are among priority target groups. The proposed contents and expertise engaged serve both as a learning opportunity for the actors involved, but also to help bust some myths and stereotypes related with the EU integration.

This project is funded by the European Union.
“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”