
Digital citizen journalists and the first 5 web-apps of the “AVATAR” project

lis 13, 2021

Citizens engagement

The Avatar project, which started in October 2020, is planning new events, training-courses and services useful to citizens, companies, learning institutions and to the third sector.

The development of activities is characterised by a strong multi-level participation of partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries. Here are 2 examples of activities the project and its partnership has been developing:

Young digital citizen journalists, with whom we hold meetings both for training and for sharing ideas and projects to be developed in collaboration with the project media partners. Indeed, the empowerment of young citizens towards new technologies and aware communication methods is among the pillar values the project carries on.

– The first 5 web-apps, co-designed and built with data provided by the 12 partner municipalities and offering many new services to citizens in the area. These are new and innovative apps that aim at enhancing the public information heritage of data held by the public administration or through the production of Open Data sets. Check the official website to learn more:

Discover the 5 web apps AVATAR has developed to facilitate citizens’ everyday life

Avatar is a project that feeds on ideas that are constantly shared, discussed, enriched and implemented, demonstrating that the benefits of a participatory decision-making process far outweigh the efforts needed to involve the parties!

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