
Migrants’ inclusion at the core of ALDA General Assembly week

lip 22, 2021


Among others, two projects had a particular relevance during the whole ALDA General Assembly week.

Tackling two key topics also addressed by the Conference on the Future of Europe, namely migration and digital transformation, the spotlight was on the projects LIME – Labour Inclusion for Migrants’ Employment and DIGITAL – Supporting democratic union and active citizenship in digital era.

After the official opening event, the BUK Festival of Modena hosted an interactive panel discussion on the “Roles and responsibilities of migrants inclusion in the labour market”. The event was opened by Dolinda Cavallo, LIME project manager, who gave an overview of the overall project’s achievements and illustrated the MEIC methodology. MEIC – Migrants Economic Migration Cluster aims at facilitating the inclusion of Third Country Nationals into the labour market based on a multi-stakeholder approach and the creatin of cluster networks.

Education, training and employment are at the core of the program, thus we really hope LIME project and its result will give a tangible contribution towards the achievement of the set goals

Following, the public in presence and the audience online listened to the experiences of Francesca Capuozzo, activist and lawyer, who gave an overview on the national and European policies on the matter. The last two speeches were held by Elena Tanzi, member of the Volunteer Association “Porta Aperta Modena” and Francesca Dallatana, managing the training and job placement area of Ciac Onlus Association.

On Monday June 21st, online this time, we had the chance to participate to the LIME final conference: after 2 years of activity the project, led by CIES onlus, came to its end. The event was introduced by ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, who presented the main results and saw the participation of numerous keynote speakers.

Among them we underline the participation of some of the project’s beneficiaries who presented their experience as part of pilot projects implemented in Rome (Italy). Whithin this framework they attended a series of training on soft-skills improvement and entrepreneurship thanks to which they succeeded in finding a job

Finally, we highlight the intervention of Angelique Petrits, European Commissioner Policy Officer, who described the newly implemented action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027. Education, training and employment are at the core of the program, thus we really hope LIME project and its result will give a tangible contribution towards the achievement of the set goals!