
ALDA confirmed beneficiary of the “Europe for Citizens” Operating Grant 2021

Мар 10, 2021

EU values and Enlargement

For several years now, ALDA has been one of the beneficiaries of the operating grant of the “Europe for Citizens” programme of the EACEA — Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union. Thus, we are thrilled to announce that, again this year, ALDA has been confirmed beneficiary of such an important funding, proving the effectiveness of ALDA’s actions for the promotion of democracy and citizens participation in Europe.

Attention towards those organisations which are working on citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the EU

Indeed, the Europe for Citizens Programme is targeted to contribute to citizens’ understanding of the EU, as well as its history and diversity and to encourage the democratic participation of citizens at EU level. Specifically, ALDA mission is perfectly in line with the second strand of this programme, which is: Democratic engagement and civic participation.

More in depth, this second element of the programme drives the attention towards those organisations which are working on citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the EU, both from local democracy and to a more European level. It comes with itself that ALDA’s mission and daily commitment are exactly to support local citizens, CSOs and more broadly international stakeholder in succeeding their goals as far – for example — European integration, decentralisation, social inclusion, sustainable development, civic initiatives concern.

Being awarded with this grant is a great success, giving ALDA positive energy to continue in its work. In addition, it testifies once again the strategic role of ALDA within the European framework as a change promoter actor.