ALDA has been nominated for the 5th Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards, for his outstanding efforts on volunteering and active citizenship programmes.
The announcement was given during the 20th VolontEurope Conference, that was held in Edinburgh, delivered in partnership with CSV in Scotland and supported by the European Commission’s ‘Europe for Citizens’ Programme.
The ACE Awards recognises outstanding individual volunteers and volunteering NGOs, as well as corporate companies with effective CSR and volunteering programmes, who have proved to be outstanding pioneers and ambassadors for voluntary action and Active Citizenship.
The awards recognise the great work that ALDA has done and is doing in these fields.
The 2011 winners, selected by the ACE Awards Judges are: among NGOs: Scottish European Educational Trust (Scotland), Sue Ryder (for work in Scotland through the Prison Volunteer Programme), Serve the City (Europe-wide), among Volunteers: Redhall Walled Garden Trainees (Scotland), Saronikos Young Volunteers in Action (Greece), among Corporate Organisations: Fundação INATEL — ‘Conversa Amiga’ Programme (Portugal).