2022 will bring great new steps and activities for PART-Y Project! Let’s have a look at them together.
Kallipolis, the lead partner, will be developing the second intellectual output of the project, namely a Learning Methodology of Placemaking by Design Thinking, aimed at reshaping design thinking by applying it to the placemaking of urban spaces, with a view to guaranteeing equal access and use to girls and boys.
Similarly, partners will also keep doing trainings to find out more on the “design thinking” method and technique. Meanwhile, some national and international events will enable the partners to introduce the public to the outputs and outcomes of the project.
But has been done so far? Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 was a year filled with activities for the PART-Y project.
2022 will bring great new steps and activities for PART-Y Project
After an online kick-off meeting in March, the eight partners met each other three times for management and trainings where they learnt more about placemaking and gender equal cities via study visits. Due to the health crisis, the meetings have been done online. Nevertheless, the partners have been able to meet face-to-face for the first time in Madrid in October 2021.
In addition, activities in the youth centers owned by the municipalities of Trieste and Koper have been organized. These workshops will be used to implement and test the methodologies studied during the trainings; enabling the partners to collect young people’s feelings about their opportunities to play a role in placemaking projects.
From its end, ALDA wrote the first project’s intellectual output: the Toolkit to Build a Communication Campaign for a Young and Inclusive Placemaking addressed to youth and municipalities seeking to be involved in placemaking actions. The output has been disseminated during the one-month PART-Y Street Art Festival hosted in Trieste, Italy.
Last but not least, in October, the partners also had the great opportunity to present the very first project’s outcomes and the Toolkit during the 2021 European Union Week of Regions and Cities.
Based on these great initiatives, 2022 will be even better, and PART-Y partners are ready to start the new year with great energy!
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[PART-Y HANDBOOK — Soon available
PART-Y TOOLBOX — Soon available]