
Climate of Change: join the sub-granting call (focus: Belgium)

Май 25, 2022

Environment & climate

Are you a Belgian youth association who is sensitive to raising awareness on the effects of climate change and understanding the links with migration? 

We are looking for you! Lead the change and participate in our call for proposals with your project idea!

The Climate of Change project – co-funded by the EU under the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and promoted by the italian NGO WeWorld-GVC together with 16 project partners in 13 countries, including ALDA – will support grass-root initiatives in the field of raising awareness on youth role in fighting climate change and involve smaller youth organizations based in France interested in joining the action but lacking the necessary means to do so.

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

The project will support actions developed by youth organisations in Belgium committed in the field of environmental awareness raising, especially climate change induced migration, and targeting young people (15-35 years old).

What is the main objective of the call of proposal?

Any submitted proposal must be of max 5.000 EUR. Each applicant will benefit from a financing of 70% of the total of the action up to a maximum of 3.500 Eur. The remaining 30% of the action (a minimum of 1.500 Eur) will be provided by each applicant as co-funding. The financing and co-financing % always remain the same even if the overall cost of the proposed action is lower than 5.000 EUR. The general action carried out by the Applicant can be higher than 5.000 EUR, but in this case the remaining budget of the overall costs of the proposal will be covered with the Applicant’s own financial resources.

Sub-granting call will be open until 19 June 2022

Which is the thematic focus?

Each proposed action needs to address the nexus between climate change and induced migration! Different types of activities can be eligible for the sub grant: communication activities, promotion and dissemination activities, awareness raising activities, training and learning-by-doing activities, art projects and initiatives, etc.

One activity will be compulsory  which is the promotion of the Climate of Change petition in all organised activities by the applicant until the end of October 2022 (the end of the petition period).

Where can the project be implemented?

Activities must take place in Belgium.

How to apply?

Read the full call for proposals to have more information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open from May 19th,2022 to June 19th,2022.


All the questions related to the present call for proposals and the participation modalities have to be addressed to the project manger Célia C.



Call for proposals

Annex A — Application form

Annex B — Budget proposal

Annex C — Frequently asked questions

Annex D — Human economy report (English only)

Annex E — Campaign guide #ClimateOfChange (English only)