
EVS Project “Share Yourself” — Cooperation Between LDA CSS and a Portuguese NGO. June – July 2011

Июн 13, 2011

Youth empowerment & Education

LDA Central and Southern Serbia, in cooperation with NGO AssociaçãoMaisCidadania from Portugal started the new European voluntary service project “Share yourself” in order to promote volunteering experiences with following aims: to promote solidarity and tolerance, to increase social cohesion among European youngsters, to promote active citizenship and contacts between youngsters of different countries and to offer opportunities of non-formal education to 15 youngsters with low opportunities.

Beneficiaries are youngsters with low opportunities coming from different social neighbourhoods (suburbs) located in Loures, the north-west city just out of Lisbon.
LDA will host two volunteers, Maria FlorBrandão Vieira and Daniel InácioMourão, for two months to work on citizenship, promotion of participation of youngsters and breaking of social barriers through the promotion of the cultural diversities.