
Forthcoming training on structural funds to the Istrian Community: ALDA and the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia combine their expertise

Сен 26, 2012

Good governance

Next 27th and 28th September ALDA will organize in Pula, Croatia, the third and last part of the training on EU funds, foreseen in the frame of the THINK.EU project, funded by Europe for Citizens programme.
The Foundation Istria, lead applicant of the project, will host the event.

Addressed to officials in the region of Istria, representatives of NGOs and the business community, this training will focus on indirect funding of the European Union, also known as Structural Funds. Croatia will officially become a member of the European Union on the 1st July 2013. It will benefit, starting from this date, of 687.5 million euro (for the solely 2013) of which a large part will be Structural Funds.
This training is therefore of crucial importance in such a particular historical moment.
In order to provide a high — quality training, ALDA will valorise the long-term experience in the structural funds of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and will involve officials with solid experience in various aspects, i.e. planning, financial management, territorial cooperation.
The officers involved will be: Roberto Piccini, 1st level controls on structural funds, Simonetta Micheli, regional service for Communitarian programmes, Raffaella Viviani, Brussels office.
ALDA will participate with its staff from the Resource and Development unit: the coordinator Marco Boaria, and Anna Ditta, project officer.
The training will represent a fundamental opportunity for all the target groups involved to learn on how to use the conspicuous funds that Croatia will receive soon. On the other side, it will also be the occasion for exchange and partnership between Italian and Croatian institutions and CSOs, with a view to future cooperation and mutual growth, thanks to new and greater financial opportunities provided by the European Union to its new Member State.
In this frame is therefore interesting to mention that Oriano Otocan, director of the International Relations Department of the Istria Region, is the new President of ALDA since June 2012.
A new impetus for ALDA’s activities and the opportunity for Croatian region to be actively involved in a really European network.