Let’s close the JOURNEY project with the final conference of the project and gather online to celebrate the work done by the consortium on 8th of September 2021.
After 3 years of implementation of various activities we can say that this initiative was worthy; having a huge impact on delivering an innovative approach in the field of entrepreneurial potential development in rural youth of the Eastern partnership (EaP) countries.
During the online final conference, the JOURNEY project will present the results of its work . At the same time, project partners will share their experiences while illustrating the main output of the project, be they: the launch of the project website, the deliver of trainings and online courses for youth entrepreneurs. In addition, activities targeted the preparation of mentors, the definition of capacity building workshops for mentors and young people, as well as the creation of Clubs of Young Entrepreneurs, Youth Exchange.
This day will be also the occasion to gather experts: The latter will share their knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship, while dialoguing with mentors, youth from Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan who have been involved in the project.
The JOURNEY project is to reduce youth unemployment in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and promote the development of entrepreneurial potential of rural youth
If you are interested in joining this event, please register here. The conference will take place on September 8th 2021 at 10h30 (CEST time).
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About the “JOURNEY” project
The project “Joint Organization to Unite Rural Networks of Entrepreneurial Youth – JOURNEY” is a 36-month project, which was launched in May 2018 and it proposes an innovative approach in the field of entrepreneurial potential development in rural youth of the EaP countries – Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Rural youth employment in the countries of the Eastern Partnership is one of today’s most discussed topics. These countries need innovative solutions to reduce the level of youth unemployment in rural areas and develop entrepreneurial potential in the green economy for a sustainable development.
Rural youth have few opportunities for self-realization and employment in rural areas, therefore the project is intended to raise the level of knowledge of young people, adopting experience from the countries of the European Union.
It is implemented by 8 partners from 6 countries: Foundation PUBLICA FIDES from Poland, Ganja European Youth Capital 2016 from Azerbaijan, Vinnitsa Regional Development Agency from Ukraine, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy from France, Kutaisi City Hall from Georgia, FORMA.Azione Srl from Italy, LDA Georgia, Vinnitsa Regional Association of Local Self Government Bodies from Ukraine.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
→ For more information about the Journey project, contact Viorica Bulat at: viorica@alda-europe.eu