PRINCE project “Civil Trust Building” partners, Western Balkan contact points representatives and the internees who participated in preparation of the National Citizen Consultations held in EU project countries had a joint mid-term evaluation meeting in Vienna, 24/25 June. The meeting was hosted by the World of NGO-s/Austria and organised by the lead applicant – European House – Hungary.
ALDA – acting as the contact point coordinator has been involved in selection of internees, preparing news and updates on EU integration from seven countries included.
During this meeting specific attention was given to possibilities for further involvement of the internees in the project follow-up activities and to preparations for the highlight of the project: BUS TOUR – ENLARGEMENT LABYRINTH which will take place between 8-15 September 2012.
It is designed as a series of awareness raising actions in main city squares of Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Ljubljana and Udine of EU enlargement, including the setting up of EU enlargement labyrinth, distribution of Balkan countries’ profiles, country specific illustrations of natural beauties, traditional recipes, quiz games, questionnaires on EU enlargement..
Excellent interaction, optimistic views and creativity prevailed among the participants willing to promote their countries during the tour.
LDA-s acting as Western Balkan contact points are: Sladjan Ilic, Kerim Medjedovic, Sasha Marinkov, Liridona Ponosheci, Klotilda Tavani, Angel Cabarkapa, Sreten Koceski who will participate in the forthcoming tour.