
Unfolding ALDA’s Strategic Plan for the Eastern Partnership

Дек 09, 2020

Good governance

The Balkan region’s recent history is marked by periods of conflicts, wars and decisions aiming at redrawing the region’s borders. All these events will furthermore define the political, economic and social systems in the Balkan countries, bearing in mind that the legacy of the recent past – the remembrance — still remains a fundamental issue that must be considered from an interdisciplinary perspective in order to intensify our efforts to build a solid democracy and guarantee a sustainable future in this region.

Moreover, the narrative should be presented in a way that takes into account various experiences on different levels and social groups.

The online Regional Forum will be the occasion to discuss the challenges and the possibility to build a common narrative for the Balkan region. The conference will highlight good practices about remembrance and intercultural dialogue, including sessions for the exchange of experiences on various sub-topics such as youth, cultural tourism, languages, EU integration and fake news. The Forum will gather representatives of civil society organizations as well as cultural and educational institutions working on the topics of reconciliation and intercultural dialogue.

Last but not least of the series of webinars promoted by ALDA to unfold our new Strategic Plan, the fourth online meeting-discussion will focus on our project and development strategy in the Eastern Partnership Countries, namely Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

As outlined by Mr Vassilis Maragos, Head of Unit – DG Near of the European Commission in a recent interview dated July 2020 “[….] shaping relations with the Eastern Partnership is a fundamental step towards European integration”. He also pointed the attention on the fact that “democracy and the rule of law remain two pillars on which every other socio-economical-political issue such as, green transition, digital transformation and fair partnerships must rely on.

Join us for an online webinar on December 21st, 2020 at 2pm to learn about our strategy in the Eastern Partnership region!

Absolutely in line with those principles, the webinar will unfold ALDA’s views and plan of action to contribute to the process of transformation and empowerment of Eastern Partnership-based communities.

The appointment, open to all ALDA members and partners, is on Monday, December 21st, 2020, at 2pm CET.

Ms Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General will open the panel and the webinar will be held by Ms Shorena Khukhua, freshly elected Governing Board member and by Mr Alexandru Coica, EaP Regional Coordinator.

To have a finest framework of the situation, it is essential to bear in mind that the Eastern Partnership area is a key working path for ALDA, since 2006. Our strategic objectives for the forthcoming years are to strengthen our presence in this region, by empowering local authorities and implementing decentralisation and territorial reforms.

ALDA members and partners, you can register THROUGH THIS LINK to join the conversation and give us your personal vision and opinion about our plan and start thinking about possible cooperation and projects in the area!