
Zavidovici (BIH): delegation from Alba (I), partner town, visited the LDA and evaluated common projects

Фев 27, 2012

Good governance

In the period from 23 to 25th of February a Delegation composed by partners of LDA Zavidovici from Alba (Italy) visited Zavidovici with intention to do the evaluation of the common projects that are implemented in Zavidovici.
The main attention was on the project „A safe place for victims of domestic violence: accompaniment to autonomy and development of local resources“, financed by Municplaity of Alba and Piemonte Region.
The project aims to develop initiatives to support victims of domestic violence and against the culture that produces and legitimises violence itself, through the action of the local network active for over three and a half years and of the «Sigurno Mjesto», a newly established association.
The main objectives are:

  • Implement measures to prevent domestic violence and raise awareness about the gender relations with the young people of the territory;
  • Provide services to accompany the victims of violence;
  • Develop initiatives to support the economic independence of victims of violence;
  • The strengthening and development of the local network against domestic violence involving inside the Association «Sigurno Mjesto» («A safe place», born from the projects supported by the Piemonte Region).
    Besides this there have been discussed future activities where is involved territory of Alba as: exchange between kindergartens, summer camps for children “Strani Vari”, youth exchanges and others.
    Delegation has been composed by: Nicola Conti (Consorzio Socio Assistenziale-Alba Langhe e Roero), Gianna Pasquero (Ser.T. Asl CN 2 – Alba Bra), Maria Perino (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” – Dipartimento di Ricerca Sociale), Cecilia Madau (Ufficio Pace Alba), Simona Sordo (LDA Zavidovici), Alice Riccardi (Associazione Strani Vari Alba), and Agostino Zanotti (president of LDA Zavidovici). Municipality of Alba is partner of LDA Zavidovici since its establishment in 1996.