Face UP
septembre 8, 2023European past and industrial history
septembre 7, 2023Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovations
University of Malaga
septembre 7, 2023VALUEBOX
septembre 6, 2023Promoting Fundamental Rights and Inclusive Education in European Schools through Gamification
Valencian International University
septembre 6, 2023PAVE – Peace Awareness through Volunteering and Education
septembre 6, 2023Peace, conflict management and integration
CIRAN – CrItical RAw materials extraction in enviroNmentally protected areas
septembre 6, 2023Increasing socio-economic resilience through a sustainable approach
Creas ID Social
mars 1, 2023Catadau Municipality
mars 1, 2023Sports 4 All
février 26, 2023Encouraging social inclusion and diversity in sports
février 26, 2023Standing up against hate in the EU