
Position on the Czech Republic Presidency at the European Council

Sep 23, 2022

Développement territorial et local

The Czech Presidency, as previously done by the other Countries, has set its guiding lights to be carried out during its mandate, for the second semester of 2022.

Following the « three R » of its motto: « Europe as a Task: Rethink, Rebuild, Repower », priorities can be unfolded as follow:

  1. Managing the refugee crisis and Ukraine’s post-war recovery
  2. Energy security
  3. Strengthening Europe’s defense capabilities and cyber-space security
  4. Strategic resilience of the European economy
  5. Resilience of democratic institutions 

These five pillars are also met and pursued by ALDA in its commitment to empower European citizens, and fostering the role of Europe as regional and international strategic actor.

ALDA’s strategies meet the Czech Republic Presidency priorities 

Starting from the first priority, on Ukraine’s post war recovery, since the very beginning, back in February 2022, ALDA has launched not only a series of initiatives; but it has also concretely contributed to provide tangible support to the local communities. The « Call to open new LDAs » is among the latest.

At the same time, the Association is in line with Czech Presidency’s priority in terms of energy security. Thus, benefitting from the development and implementation of several projects, ALDA has been able to foster energy security by engaging with people. More specifically, by supporting local actions activities to fight climate change, while focusing on clean and renewable energy; great commitment has been devoted to sensitize citizens on this matter.

The above-mentioned are just few examples of the work done by ALDA. For further information please read the « Paper on Czech program for the Presidency of the European«