
ALDA participates in the event “What kind of future if we do not invest in young people?” to discuss youth’s future in Vicenza

Mag 04, 2023

Potenziamento e istruzione dei giovani

Youth is not the future, it is the present: the engine of innovation for the construction of a solid tomorrow’s society. 

ALDA knows it very well and as an active promoter of youth empowerment projects in the local area, participated in the event “What kind of future if we do not invest in young people?”, which happened last April 20.

The debate took place at the “Agorà del Centro Culturale S. Paolo” in Vicenza (IT) and was strongly promoted by organisations working with and for youth in the city and its surroundings, including ALDA. In light of the upcoming elections 2023-2028 for the renewal of local administration, experiences, reflections and proposals were presented to the Mayoral candidates and city councillors, who in turn presented the strategy by which they intend to enhance new generations and invest in educational, social and relational dynamics, structures and services with a regard for greater inclusion and active youth involvement

Associations’ spokesmen promoting the meeting expressed the local civil society’s shared point of view on urgent issues and needs that have been emerging among new generations, especially after the pandemic. The theme was addressed from cultural, social and health perspectives in the first place, but the active participation of young people in local contexts has been an interesting theme which stimulated ideas that finally put youth at the centre as future citizens and potential local administrators. 

Active participation of young people in local contexts at the centre of the debate

ALDA’s point of view was brought to the table by an historical member and active partner, La Piccionaia, a network of artists that realises and proposes activities of pedagogy of art for children, teenagers and adults. Moreover, associations highlighted the importance of looking out for the future of new generations through the present investment, because it means having an idea and a vision of the City to share with all generations. 

ALDA’s unique expertise gained during its over 20 years of activity as a stakeholder in the field of youth empowerment, engagement and inclusion will continue serving local initiatives that put young people in a position to be heard. ALDA firmly believes that the crucial outcome of this meeting will be strongly considered by future candidates while drafting their election programmes in which hopefully youth will be put at the centre. 

ALDA has confidence in the future of Vicenza and in his next leader that will optimistically turn a large spotlight on young people in the interest of all generations, the economy and the quality of public life.

Open up the discussion, listen to the voice of civil society and build on it to make future choices: a useful exercise and a good practice not only for Vicenza, but to be replicated in different local contexts.