La Fédération Générale des PEP


The PEP (Pupilles de l’Enseignement Public) is a network of 101 local associations federated within a General Federation which acts for an inclusive society. Founded on the values of secularism, solidarity, equality and citizenship, the General Federation of PEP is an approved complementary association of Schools, Youth and Sport, and Tourism. The General Federation of PEP is therefore a network and a movement for social transformation. It operates in the areas of Early Childhood, Education, leisure, social, medico-social and health, in all French departments. The actions of PEP associations are guided by the values of Secularism, Solidarity, Equality and Citizenship. These values are inseparable from each other. They are enriched by their necessary interactions. They participate in building a society that is more inclusive, more enlightened and more united at the same time.


 5-7 rue Georges Enesco 94000 Créteil, France

