
ESSPIN Project: ALDA’s commitment to Equality and Inclusion

Dic 13, 2022

Gender, Inclusion & Human rights Linked project:

The Economic, Social and SPatial INequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends project (ESSPIN) funded by the Horizon Europe programme officially kick-off on the 13th and 14th of October online. It was dedicated to the assessment and plan of the project together with the presentation of the key roles and activities of each partner.

The ESSPIN project directly addresses European challenges with an aim to share actions, understandings, evidence, insights, responsibilities and benefits across stakeholders including policymakers and civil society. The goal of the project is to re-examine the nexus of social, economic and spatial inequalities in the EU in the light of emerging and highly interacting mega-trends and challenges, threatening to increase pressures and make policy choices even more difficult

The outputs of the project will be delivered across different partner  states, covering a variety of  both social science and humanities disciplines, with multi-stakeholder, practice-based and policy-science expertise. Besides, the consortium  of the ESSPIN project will organise several workshops, policy seminars and Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) as well as participate in national and international conferences.

ESSPIN examines the nexus of social, economic and spatial inequalities in the EU in the light of the interacting mega-trends and challenges

Concerning the role of ALDA, with the support of all the partners, the Association  is in charge of communication, dissemination and community engagement activities of the project which will assist the European Commission with its ambitions of a more equal and inclusive society.

Hence, during the Kick-Off Meeting Valeria Fantini, ALDA responsible PM of the project, presented the key roles of the Association in the implementation of ESSPIN, by highlighting the timeline and the main tasks. 

With great enthusiasm, ALDA looks for the next steps to take in the implementation of the project.

 Are you interested in the project? Follow it on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn or sign up for the newsletter.

ESSPIN is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. The duration of the project is 3 years and its budget amounts to €2 674 000.00.

ESSPIN is a project bringing together 13 leading organisations from across Europe including eight universities and three research institutions. The partners cover core elements of the ESSPIN project cross-cutting priorities such as civil society, democracy, social and economic inclusion and equality.