
The Ministry of Agriculture building in Rome will host BRIGHT final conference

Feb 18, 2022

Ambiente e clima

The BRIGHT Project is coming to an end. After finishing the last Capacity Building workshop dedicated to Greece, on February 25th a meeting will be held to share the results achieved in Italy, and where all citizens can participate. The meeting will take place in the charming Normanno Svevo Castle, in the municipality of Mesagne (Brindisi) starting from 4pm.

During the conference, ALDA and the project partners (ActionAid & Labsus), will collaborate with the territorial institutions and ISBEM, the European Biomedical Scientific Institute, to raise awareness on the capacities of local actors and to encourage European countries to adopt governance systems that allow female citizens who migrate for work to actively participate in the decision-making processes. Eventually, they will illustrate the Collaboration Pacts, used as a meta-model in the BRIGHT project.

In particular, the aim of the meeting is to help territorial institutions adopt the participation processes designed and developed by the project to involve women workers in the agricultural sector, as well as in the care and assistance sector, to co-design innovative welfare services.

The final conference of BRIGHT will take place in Rome on the 23rd of February in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture

In the end, there will be a debate in which participants will have the chance to share their reflections on practices and tools to increase participation and access to services for community citizens.

The conference of Mesagne will be two days after the final conference of the project, which will involve all the partners with whom ALDA has collaborated to promote the social inclusion of Romanian and Bulgarian women employed in agriculture, care, and assistance sectors in Southern Italy.

The final conference of BRIGHT will take place in Rome on the 23rd of February in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture. Again, the event is open to anyone wishing to attend and will take place in a hybrid format, both online and in-person.

💻To take part at the final conference online: register here

📔 Read the agenda of the final conference here

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