
Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and partnership training seminar on capacity building for local CSOs

Мар 20, 2012

Good governance Linked project:
Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships

The second training seminar for CSOs on advocacy skills, within the project Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships was held in Zavidovici from 15th to 17th of March 2012.
20 representatives of local NGOs, from the partner organisations’ cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the seminar.
The two day training in Zepce (near Zavidovici) was organised by the LDA Zavidovici in close collaboration with the Project team members and the team of trainers from LDA Mostar Igor Kajgana and Slobodan Vulesevic, senior trainers.
Key contents of the interactive workshops were related with developing an idea into a project proposal (five critical elements of a successful project proposal a problem or a need for a project; idea and vision for a change; activities to be done; measuring the change, and resources needed for the implementation of the project), strategic vs. opportunistic approach in developing a project proposal, project cycle management and its objectives (clear and realistic project objectives; high-quality projects, and consistency with and contribution to general policy objectives), project cycle management stages (programming, identification, assessment, financing, implementation, and evaluation) and general project objective (response to a long-term problem that will be addressed only partially) and specific project objectives (to be achieved during or after the implementation of a project).
Presented concepts and elements were discussed in plenary, and a number of practical examples were given in order to substantiate the presentation with “real life situations”.
The group then discussed what to do next and decided to work in groups under the guidance of the trainers on generating potential ideas for small-scale projects.
As a follow-up coaching and mentoring process, the participants group was advised not to hesitate to seek advice from trainers on any topic they may not understand, and encouraged to continue good work throughout entire project implementation.
In the closing of the workshop, the group presented their work, and the trainers have also provided their comments and practical advice for improvements, while the communication and the group dynamics will be maintained through information share and including the participants into the mailing list for project beneficiaries.

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