The Association of Local Democracy Agencies, with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, intends to enlarge its activities to promote local democracy and citizen participation at the local level in the South Caucasus by opening a Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Azerbaijan in 2012.
In 2006 LDA Georgia opened as the first LDA in South Caucasus in Kutaisi. The LDA network in South Caucasus was enlarged when LDA Armenia opened in Gyumri in 2011. ALDA is now starting its work to complete the LDA network in South Caucasus by taking the initial steps towards opening an LDA in Azerbaijan.
Therefore ALDA is looking for European Local and Regional Authorities and NGOs which are interested in becoming partners of the LDA and support the efforts of opening the LDA in Azerbaijan.
The LDA would be a place to gather interested international partners from European NGOs, local and regional authorities and Local authorities associations to work with Azerbaijani local authorities and NGOs to increase the citizen participation and cooperation at the local level.
Currently ALDA is searching for potential partners and organisations interested in supporting the opening of an LDA in Azerbaijan and becoming partners of the LDA. An information meeting for interested potential partners is scheduled to take place on March 22 in Strasbourg in connection with the plenary session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
ALDA hopes many European Local and Regional Authorities and NGOs will be interested in participating in this meeting and support the initiative.
This document provides a more detailed description of the background and ideas for LDA Azerbaijan.

Mr. Marco Boaria, ALDA Resource and Development Unit Coordinator, is the author of a new “Practical Guide” published by SALTO EuroMed, on “Training and Networking“.
The Practical Guides are tools for youth workers, youth leaders and trainers involved in the EuroMediterranean cooperation, and aims to support the cooperation in developing projects.
In particular, this Practical Guide provides concrete information and tools about Action 3.1 “Youth in the World” of the Youth in Action Programme and its links with Euro-Med Youth Programme IV. This Guide is focused on Training and Networking Activities. Its goal is to provide tips to improve project development and to provide support mainly for first-time applicants.
It is not focused specifically on “technicalities” (that you can find in the Programme Guides), but more especially on the strategic and intercultural approach needed for successful cooperation in the Euro-Med area.
Salto EuroMed is one of the eight Resource Centres of the network, working on European priority areas within the youth field, with which ALDA is cooperating. It provides youth work and training resources and organises training and contact-making activities to support organisations and National Agencies within the frame of the European Commission’s Youth in Action programme and beyond.
This publication, published also in French and Arabic, is available also on line on the Salto EuroMed website.

The Governing Board of ALDA, which was held in Brussels on the 3rd of February, launched the programme 2012.
Despite the difficulties for local authorities and civil society (ALDA main partners), the organisation continues its positive trend in terms of activities and memberships. The priority will be the full support to local governance and cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society. The Local Democracy Agencies (today up to 13 offices) will be strengthened with projects and partners. A special focus will be given to the new LDAs (Armenia and future in Azerbaijan, in Southern Caucasus as well as the LDA in Kosovo).

The General Assembly that will be held in Udine (Italy) the 7th and 8th of June will also elect a new Governing Board, that will be fundamental to accompany the organisation through these delicate times, when local governance and citizens’ participation remain one of the strongest option to promote democracy and peace in Europe and it neighbouring countries. An ALDA 2020 Strategy is currently discussed among the members and closest partners of ALDA as well as a more precise three years Position Paper that will be approved in Udine, too. A revision of Statute will also be proposed in order to update this document with the present situation of the organisation.
The programme confirms also the strong partnership with the programme Europe for Citizenship of the DG Communication , from which ALDA receives an Operating Grant and also projects. ALDA is active member of the Structured Dialogue as well as part of the initial Alliance to prepare the 2013, Year of Citizens . ALDA will continue to work on twinning activities and it will support European Citizenship with its 150 members in Europe. ALDA will also strongly focus on the programmes in South Eastern Europe and all the possible support to further integration to the EU, based on local governance and support of local authorities. A new office in Skopije supports the programme on Local Governance of the programme of Decentralised Cooperation Basse Normandie/Macedonia and the decentralised Cooperation France/Balkans .
In Eastern Europe and Caucasus, ALDA is working with LDAs and thanks to programmes to support local Democracy, like in Belarus. It is strongly involved in the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership as Coordinator of the Subgroup on Local Government and Public Administration reform and therefore, also closely working, with the Committee of the Regions on this.
As for the Southern dimension and the MED region, a further commitment as been made. Some projects will be launched in Tunisia and Algeria and potentially, it will be possible to use our experience in transitional countries to support local governance and citizens’ participation in this area .
With the launch of the programme WTD (Working Together for Development) (first steering committee 28th of March in Brussels), ALDA is also brining its experience in the field of development with the support of Local Authorities and civil Society.
Last but not the least, ALDA is interested to work with all the potential partners in Europe to achieve its mandate. It joined several networks on which it is planned to have an active participation, like Concord, Civicus and the European Movement.

The results of the project “Volunteering for cross border development” have been presented in Banja Luka (BiH) by the LDA, Local Democracy Agency, of Sisak (HR) and YCC, Youth Communication Centre of Banja Luka, both partners of the project which is funded by European Union.
The project aims to help in improving accessibility of community-based services in border area through establishment of five voluntary services – two in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bihać and Derventa) and three in Croatia (Sisak, Kutina and Petrinja).

It also contributes to establishment of the cross-border networking between local authorities, civil society and social partners through creation of six local volunteering policies (in all 5 above mentioned towns and in Banja Luka). These policies will define measures from which the local communities will benefit in their economic and social development.
In addition, the project will help to enhance quality of life and social cohesion in border area by creating a cross-border voluntary network with volunteers from the six towns. Two volunteering camps, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one in Croatia will be organised within the project. The camps gathering 60 volunteers will discuss actual social issues in bordering towns and initiate actions for change. .
The project is implemented by YCC Banja Luka and LDA Sisak alongside 4 partners – Association Women from Una Bihać, BiosPLUS Derventa, Disabled Persons Association Kutina and IKS association from Petrinja.
The Project is funded with the Instrument for the Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) – Cross Border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, and its duration will be 24 months (until February 2013).

In its first year the project was implemented with several activities, including:

  • First project conference held in Banja Luka, 10 March 2011,
  • Second project conference held in Sisak, 24 March 2011,
  • Project public presentations in Derventa, Bihać and Sisak, 21-23 April 2011,
  • Training “Volunteers’ management in local communities”, Banja Luka, 4-7 May 2011,
  • Opening of Volunteers’ Center in Sisak, 9 June 2011
  • Local volunteer services in Derventa, Sisak and Bihać opened – June 2011

“The European Year of Citizens, suggested by the European Commission for the 2013, today focused on rights, mostly on right to move and work in the Union, should have a wider perspective, and promote European citizenship and identity, including social and cultural aspects”. This is the main proposal of ALDA about the EYC 2013, expressed during the public hearing promoted by the European Economic and Social Committee, in Brussels.
The European Economic and Social Committee is drawing up an opinion on the proposal of the European Commission and would like to give every European citizen, NGO, enterprise, trade union etc. an opportunity to contribute to its opinion, which will be sent to the European Parliament, Commission and Council once it has been adopted. A first NGOs meeting was held in Brussels in EESC on the 27th of January and ALDA was represented by Mr. Marco Boaria.
Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Director, attended to the public hearing that was held the day before.
“We are interested in an Alliance which main aims should be promoting the participation of a wide spectrum of civil society organisations working to promote European citizenship and implement the European Year of Citizens 2013. ALDA supports the idea of organising quickly “decentralised” groups of support at the national level”, stated Mrs. Valmorbida.
ALDA think that the activities of the “year” should be done even more on new members States, future member countries (those of the Enlargement process), and the countries of the ENPI Interregional Programme, since they are the direct beneficiaries of the effects as neighbours of Europe.
ALDA proposes that the programme of the 2013 European Year of Citizens works mainly with small and local events and not only focusing on high level discussions, engaging civil society and local authorities and promoting an open debate on the future of participation mechanisms to strengthen European identity and The European Project.
ALDA proposes also to reach political objectives in terms of citizens’ participation (and mechanisms for facilitating this) with legislative initiatives, best practices at the community level, etc. with the EYAC 2013. The group, in preparing the Year, should set these high objectives, planning the Year in this direction, considering the upcoming European Parliament Elections in 2014.
For further information please visit the EESC website

Peace News”, the electronic newsletter of the Bosnian Organisation “Mreža Za Izgradnju Mira”, “Peace building network” of which LDA Mostar is member, in the issue of January 2012 published an article about the IPA Project “Civil Society in action for dialogue and partnership”.
The project is implemented by ALDA, lead partner, while the partners are the Local Democracy Agencies Mostar, Zavidovici (BiH), Osijek (HR), Subotica (SRB), as well as the Forum of Tuzla Citizens, Centre for Local Development Breza, DON Prijedor and Novenade Bihac.
The project is designed to help strengthen the democratic role of NGOs in enhancing the citizen participation in local policy/decision making through promoting co-operation agreements and NGO issue based networking measures within the two years of project implementation: to help improve organisational and management capacities of NGO-s engaged in promoting democratic governance at local level; develop local awareness raising actions promoting democratic potential of CSOs and their role in good local governance; support the networking actions of issue based NGOs at local and regional level in Bosnia and Herzegovina; improve the awareness of policy and decision makers on European standards of good local governance and citizen participation; foster issue based cooperation of CSOs and local authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with their counterparts in other IPA countries and EU member states.

On January 27th, 1945, 67 years ago, the German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Russian Army, giving name to the International Holocaust Memorial Day on that date every year.
A new Europe has been built on the ruins of war and hatred, with the conviction that something like the Shoah should never be allowed to happen again.

Against such a back-ground Local Democracy Agencies were established in the wake of the conflict leading to the break-up of the former Yugoslavia with the objective of helping to build a society founded on democratic principles, rule of law and respect for human and minority rights. Engaging various ethnic groups in this endeavour and at times mediating between them has reconfirmed to the Local Democracy Agencies and their umbrella organisation the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) that the past plays an important role in shaping a future based on tolerance and reconciliation.

Together with its partners, ALDA works daily for intercultural understanding and active participation of citizens in its programme on Active Remembrance. The President of ALDA, Per Vinther, stresses that ”we are constantly reminded that it is necessary to bring people to remember their past and learn from mistakes their ancestors have made! This also has a direct bearing on the appreciation of the benefits of living in a democratic society”

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies, ALDA, is heavily engaged in promoting active citizenship within the EU Programme “Europe for Citizens” and in that vein had embarked on the recently concluded PEACE project – Peaceful Education for Active Citizenship in Europe, which concluded on an engagement by the partners of the network to work jointly on the historical conscience of youth in their countries and in Europe as a prerequisite for the survival of our peaceful and democratic societies.

The France-Balkans network held its annual steering committee in Brussels, in the Committee of the Regions on 24 January 2012. The French partners had the opportunity to discuss the recent decision by the Auvergne Regional Council to transfer the leadership to the Pays Vichy Auvergne.
The multilateral decentralised cooperation France-Balkans programme aims at promoting the development of good governance at regional and local level and improving capacities of local authorities to allow them to function and to provide good services to their citizens. This project proposes to achieve this objective by creating a network of French local authorities involved in the Balkan and Balkan stakeholders in order to work on a common plan which would open the programme to other partners in Europe.
The partners reiterated the political dimension to the network aiming at strengthening and stabilising the democratic process in the Balkan region; supporting the European integration process of candidate and potential candidate countries; opening the French territories to cooperation with other local and regional authorities in Balkan countries.
At the meeting, the partners had an exchange of view with a representative of the French Embassy and two representatives of the Directorate General of Enlargement with whom they discussed about the contribution by French but also European local authorities to the EU enlargement process. In this perspective, the partners gave a new spin to the programme by enhancing the importance of territorial approach to development as a contribution to European integration of the Balkans. They also confirmed their interest to the multi-actor multi-sector approach, which aims at gathering expertise and contributions from political, social and economic stakeholders interested in investing in the Balkans and therefore opening new opportunities for cooperation and investment at European level.
They also finalised the action plan for 2012 which consists of three events in 2012 on topics such as tourism and open air activities, water management, new technologies and human rights.
Finally, the partners renewed their commitment to the networking activities and decided to open the network to more French but also other European partners such as Italy, Austria but also Turkey.
The partners renewed their commitment to the networking activities and decided to open the network to more French but also other European partners.
For more information please see the agenda and the list of participants.

LDAs Mostar and Central and Southern Serbia – Niš signed a partnership agreement with the Association of Fenomena from Kraljevo (Serbia) for the implementation of project “Promotion of the European Charter for equality between women and men at the local level”, during the first project meeting that took place on 11-12 January 2012.
The Project, funded by the European Commission under the IPA Civil Society Facility: Partnership Actions-Empowerment of Women, will be implemented during the 2012.
The Association Fenomenon, as the leading organisation in the project, will implement the activities in cooperation with other organisations: Centre for Local Democracy LDA from Nis, Serbia; ANIMA – Center for Women and Peace Education from Kotor, Montenegro, Association of Citizens for Local Democracy Agency Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.
The overall project objective is to contribute to the development of policies, measures and budgeting to improve gender equality in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The specific objective is to create conditions for development of policies, measures and budgeting to improve gender equality, development of local action plans to implement the European Charter for equality in cities and municipalities participating in the project.

The positive results of the referendum in Croatia were expected. 66% of the voters supported the process of integration to the European Union that should take place in July 2013. Croatia will be the 28th member of the European Union.
For ALDA, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies, and for the three Local Democracy Agencies in Croatia (Osijek, Sisak and Verteneglio/Brtonigla) it is a real achievement and success, after 15 years of working actively towards that objective.
Since the launch of the EUs Stabilisation and Association Process, ALDA and the LDAs has worked to promote in Croatia the standards of the European Union in terms of democracy and development of local authorities and civil society.
“The work of the Local Democracy Agencies in Croatia, which have been so precious to the Croatian communities since 1993 in promoting human rights and democracy, will need to be transformed into valuable experienced support for local authorities and NGOs. The LDAs will then be full partners of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies for its future activities in the rest of the Western Balkans where there are still eight Local Democracy Agencies active. We believe that Croatia will be an active member of the European Union and a force for stabilising and developing its neighbours in South Eastern Europe”, says the President of ALDA, Mr. Per Vinther.

ALDA and the Croatian LDAs, in the context of the EU referendum, encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before.
The Local Democracy Agencies in Osijek, Sisak and Brtonigla, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies with its seat in Strasbourg, France and the other LDAs in the Western Balkans, give a public statement.
“We understand – is written in the statement- and experience the process of the European integration as a process of affirmation of positive social values, civic freedoms and rule of law. The European perspective has opened to Croatian society an opportunity for creating new policies introducing higher standards in many fields of social and economic life. By involving citizens, local and regional authorities our organisation and network members in Southeast Europe have for a long time supported and advocated European values and standards.
Long standing experience of our organisations in Croatian local communities has taught us that in the last years support by EU institutions has been the key element for accomplishing the social and economic reforms and equitable change.
Being fully aware of many challenges that Croatia is facing in this moment of the accession to EU, we consider that this is a step in support to both continuing and to the future process of democratic stability, strengthening of institutions, balanced regional development, fair social policy and economic development.
We consider that it is important to develop a participatory democratic culture and active citizenship and we strongly support citizens’ participation in decision making. With this in view we encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before”.
ALDA, the Croatian Local Democracy Agencies Osijek, Sisak, Brtoniglia, and the Local Democracy Agencies Prijedor, Zavidovici, Mostar, Niksic, Subotica, Nis, Peja, Shkodra have signed the statement.

A ELDW general meeting was held the 19th of January at the Council of Europe bureau in Paris. The aim was to assess the recent 2011 edition of the Week and to prepare the new 2012 edition.
Mr. Per Vinther, ALDA President, represented at the meeting also the Croatian City of Sisak which qualified this year for the “12 Stars City” label.
The National Associations of the local authorities, the European institutions and associations, as well as the other international partners of the ELDW was invited to attend the meeting. The mayors of the 19 municipalities which took part in the ELDW 2011 as “12 Star cities” was also be invited to share their views and experiences. About half of the 12 Star Cities were represented and used the opportunity to present what they had been doing in their European Local Democracy Week.
Afterwards, participants had a discussion about the topic of the new 2012 edition that will probably be the “Social Cohesion”. In the next weeks the ELDW secretariat will announce the title of the new edition.

LDA Osijek together with 13 associations from Osijek-Baranja County on the 18th January has organised a press conference on occasion of EU referendum in Croatia.
On the referendum on Croatian accession to the EU, the co-ordination of civil society association of the County has expressed a common attitude.
It was stressed that the EU support was a key element for achieving change in society, and to be joining the European Union continues to work on democratisation and raise standards.
They find that Croatia was ready to join the union and the accession will bring many benefits, especially to youth, through the promotion of mobility in education and work. Local Democracy Agency in Osijek was one of the associations that signed the statement.

The Minister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs in Malta, Mr Carmelo Misfud Bonnici, attended to the final event of the project “STAND.UP: Strengthening Twinning and Networking for Development Agreements. United in Partnership” that has been held in Malta (16-17 January 2012).
The International Conference “Social Integration and Gender Equality through a Good Local Governmental System” has seen the participation of 80 representatives of Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations coming from 11 countries of the enlarged Europe. It has been a unique opportunity to discuss the role of LAs and CSOs in promoting jointly activities to foster social inclusion, in particular migrants’ inclusion in local life, and gender equality at the local level.
STAND.UP, implemented by ALDA in partnership with 17 international partners, aims to promote citizen participation and interaction with local and European institutions, through the methodology of town twinning.
During the Conference it has been possible to compare Malta and Puglia experiences on welcoming migrants coming from North Africa. Moreover, the presence of local and international organisation promoting gender equality has encouraged local Mayors to share their experiences with their counterparts from other European countries. The event has strongly benefited from the support of a relevant institutional figure such as Mr Carmelo Misfud Bonnici, Minister for Home and Parliamentary Affairs in Malta, and from the contribution of Mr Michael Cohen, President of the Local Councils’ Association whose presence has further strengthened the dissemination of the project outcomes.
As final part of the activity, a steering committee among project partners has been held so as to plan the follow up of the project.

Ms. Dzenana Dedic LDA Mostar) has been appointed as the new representative of the Delegates in the Governing Board of ALDA.
The decision has been taken during the last Delegates coordination meeting, held on the 9-10 of January in Nis (SRB). She will substitute Mr. Umberto Ademollo, Delegate of LDA Verteneglio, and she will be in charge for one year.
We have made some questions to the Dzenana to see how she intend to fulfil this new challenging appointment.
(In photo: Dzenana Dedic in the center, with the staff of the LDA Mostar)
Dzenana could you tell us a bit more about you and about your involvement in the LDA Mostar and in the LDAs network?
After almost 10 years of experience in NGO sector I started my engagement in LDA Mostar from August 2004. Official inauguration of LDA Mostar was 22nd November 2004. My position till the end of 2009 was administrative/financial officer and assistant to delegate, and according to the legal registration I was director of the LDA registered at national level as CSO. From the beginning of 2010 I am at the position of delegate of LDA Mostar.
What will be your contribution in the GB to bring the voice of the delegates
In general I see my job as a big challenge and chance to participate in democratisation process of my country and region in whole. ALDA and LDA network is perfect environment to reach that goal. Gives us huge opportunities to realise many useful activities and actions. LDA delegates should use more that opportunity and strengthen the cooperation among LDAs and force ALDA to improve network’s position at European level using its credibility gained during the years of active work.
To conclude, how do you see LDAs network in the future
Each LDA individually I see as a strong partner to local and national governments and jointly in ALDA network, as strong partner to EU institutions especially in pre accession and accession processes and EU enlargement. Also we have to find good model to stay connected to the Croatian LDAs once that Croatia become the EU member state.

From 4th to 7th January 2012 Italian delegation composed of representatives of Montenero Di Bisaccia Municipality and their Pro Loco Association visited now already 5th Live Nativity manifestation in Aljmaš village in Eastern Croatia. Five years ago together with LDA in Osijek they initiated this manifestation in Erdut municipality which has indeed a lots of potential for developing of religious tourism in its Aljmaš senctuary.
This is a third visit of Molisian delegation to this manifestation in which they already traditionally played the roles of three kings. The same manifestation they prepare every year in Montenero already for 30 years. During four days of this year’s manifestation they managed to involve some 200 volunteers and to attract 15000 visitors. Their methodology and success in definitely something that inhabitants of Erdut Municipality gladly look for. Through years this event enabled to both citizens and local authorities representatives to exchange ideas, talk about common challenges and discover new fields of their future cooperation.

The Delegates of the Western Balkans LDAs strongly call upon the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia who have formally expressed interest in participating, to speed up the procedure of joining the Europe for Citizens Programme.
At their first Southeast Regional Coordination and Partnership Building Meeting, held on 10th January in Nis, Serbia, the delegates of LDAs were reviewing the present status and challenges of the local democracy in the region, in view of its potential role in upholding the EU integration process in the Western Balkans countries.
Having in mind that local tier of governance should have a stronger say in EU integration, and that so far Croatia, Albania and Macedonia have acceded the Europe for Citizens programme as one of the most effective tool linking the local governments and citizens all across Europe – is written in a official statement of the LDAs – we strongly call upon the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia who have formally expressed interest in participating, to speed up the procedure of joining the Programme“.
Submitted the call the Delegates of the LDA of Sisak, Osijek, Verteneglio (Croatia), Prijedor, Zavidovici, Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Subotica, Nis (Serbia), Niksic (Montenegro), Peja (Kosovo) and Shkodra (Albania).

ALDA has been nominated for the 5th Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards, for his outstanding efforts on volunteering and active citizenship programmes.
The announcement was given during the 20th VolontEurope Conference, that was held in Edinburgh, delivered in partnership with CSV in Scotland and supported by the European Commission’s ‘Europe for Citizens’ Programme.
The ACE Awards recognises outstanding individual volunteers and volunteering NGOs, as well as corporate companies with effective CSR and volunteering programmes, who have proved to be outstanding pioneers and ambassadors for voluntary action and Active Citizenship.
The awards recognise the great work that ALDA has done and is doing in these fields.
The 2011 winners, selected by the ACE Awards Judges are: among NGOs: Scottish European Educational Trust (Scotland), Sue Ryder (for work in Scotland through the Prison Volunteer Programme), Serve the City (Europe-wide), among Volunteers: Redhall Walled Garden Trainees (Scotland), Saronikos Young Volunteers in Action (Greece), among Corporate Organisations: Fundação INATEL – ‘Conversa Amiga’ Programme (Portugal).