
A conference on Franco – Tunisian decentralised cooperation methods and strategies

Mar 03, 2021

Good governance

Decentralised cooperation is one of the key methodologies at the core of ALDA’s actions supporting the development of local communities in Europe and in the Neighbouring countries.

In this sense, ALDA is proud to be among the organisers of the hybrid seminar on “Decentralised cooperation”, together with Solidarité Laique and its partners members of the multi-actor concerted programme (PCPA) “Soyons Actifs/Actives”.

The conference will take place in the morning of Friday, March 5th, from 10:00am to 12:30pm in the city of Sousse, Tunisia, with the possibility to virtually join it too.

The seminar will put forward the exchanges around experiences of decentralized cooperation between French and Tunisian public actors and associations.

Organised within the framework of the FAIR fund, supported by the Euromed France Network through the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Aude department, the seminar will put forward the exchanges around experiences of decentralised cooperation between French and Tunisian public actors and associations.

The discussions will be chaired by representatives of French and Tunisian municipalities and departments, civil society associations, institutions and ministries in order to create a fertile ground to share experiences on decentralised cooperation and understand the level of involvement and the role the civil society should cover to reinforce the decentralisation process and assure its good outcome. Among the participants we mention the Municipalities of Sousse, Kairouan, Mahdia, Marsa, Marseille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and representatives of the Val de Marne and Aude departments.

What to expect from such a rich forum?

First of all, the exchange of experiences and the valorisation of the existing best practices; the reinforcement of the links between civil society actors and French and Tunisian local authorities; and the identification of mechanisms regulating decentralised cooperation processes.