
Young citizens and European elections candidates debate in Brussels

On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

This event provided a platform for an active exchange of perspectives, ideas, and concerns, facilitating direct engagement between young individuals and candidates for the European Parliament. Addressing critical issues such as climate change, economic policies, mental health, human rights, social justice, and education, the session sought to identify and help bridge the gap between youth aspirations and the legislative agenda.

With the participation of candidates Suzana Carp (Volt), Laura Hidalgo (MR), Yvan Verougstraete (Les Engagés), Léa Charlet (Ecolo), Bram Vandeninden (Volt), Marta Barandiy (Voor U).