Initiated in January 2023, the WE ACT project aims to strengthen the representation and participation of women in the political sphere at the local level in Türkiye. It is supported by the European Union Delegation to Türkiye under the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy, and is implemented by ALDA together with the Turkish association Daktilo 1984 for a duration of 30 months within the 7 regions of Türkiye.

● General objective: Improve the exercise of political and civic rights for women and LGBTIQ+ persons, namely at the local level;
● Specific Objective 1: Increase the political participation of women in the upcoming local elections of Türkiye (2024) in the 7 regions of Türkiye;
● Specific Objective 2: Improve conditions for a democratic debate on gender issues at the local policy level – making progress in all regions of Türkiye.