From September 1st to 6th, 2024, the island of Ventotene hosted the 43rd edition of the Federalist Training Seminar, an event organised by the Institute of Federalist Studies “Altiero Spinelli.” Held under the title “Federalism in Europe and the World – Towards the United States of Europe and a New World Order,” the seminar continues to be one of the most significant platforms for discussions on the future of Europe and global governance.
Since its inception in 1982, on the initiative of Altiero Spinelli, co-author of the “Manifesto of Ventotene,” the seminar has welcomed prominent figures from European politics and culture. Some notable participants over the years include Romano Prodi, Mario Monti, Josep Borrell, and Ignazio Visco. Every year, 150 young Europeans gather for 60 hours of training and debate, enriched by contributions from over 30 experts.
This year, ALDA was proudly invited and participated as a trainer. Rita Biconne, Head of ALDA Project Management Department, led a panel on September 6th, discussing “The Role of Associations and Local Entities in Shaping the Future of the European Union.” Joining institutional representatives, including Carmine Caputo, Mayor of Ventotene, and Emanuela Mari from the Lazio Region, the panel explored how local actors can contribute to the EU’s democratic future.
Key points from ALDA’s contribution
Rita Biconne highlighted the crucial role of local communities in fostering democratic and inclusive processes, which align with the core values of the European Union. By promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships at the local level and across European contexts, these collaborations between public institutions, private organisations, and civil society associations are essential for effective governance.
She emphasised how ALDA has consistently facilitated partnerships through European town-twinning projects and supported the development of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), providing a solid mechanism for cooperation between cities. By mobilising resources, time, and networks, ALDA continues to strengthen local governance and cross-border collaboration, contributing to the EU’s democratic future.
As always, the Federalist Training Seminar in Ventotene remains an inspiring setting for young people and institutions alike to reflect on and shape the future of Europe.
ALDA+ e ALDA Italia sono orgogliose di annunciare che le tre proposte presentate per il Piano dell’Offerta Formativa di Vicenza sono state ufficialmente approvate. Questi progetti innovativi sono pensati per coinvolgere gli studenti delle scuole primarie e secondarie in attività significative e interattive che promuovono i valori europei, la sostenibilità e la cittadinanza attiva. Ogni progetto mira a creare un’esperienza di apprendimento pratico che responsabilizzi i giovani a pensare in modo critico, agire in modo consapevole e contribuire positivamente alle loro comunità.
Ecco una panoramica dei progetti approvati:
“Scopri l’Europa: giocando e Imparando i valori e la storia dell’Unione Europea”
Pensato per gli studenti delle scuole secondarie, questo progetto incoraggia i partecipanti a esplorare la ricca storia e i valori dell’Unione Europea in modo creativo e divertente. Le attività combinano educazione e intrattenimento, rendendo l’apprendimento sull’UE un’esperienza coinvolgente.
A tavola con l’Unione Europea: In questo workshop, gli studenti utilizzeranno piatti riciclabili per creare disegni che rappresentano i piatti tradizionali di vari paesi dell’UE. Attraverso questa attività divertente, gli studenti scopriranno la posizione geografica dei paesi membri e il loro significato culturale, componendo una mappa dell’Europa realizzata dalle loro creazioni artistiche.
Le stelle dell’Unione Europea: Questo workshop in due parti prevede un gioco simile a “Twister” personalizzato per scoprire i paesi che compongono l’UE. Successivamente, i ragazzi parteciperanno a una discussione utilizzando la metodologia dell’Open Space Technology per esplorare i principi e i valori che uniscono l’UE, diventando cittadini europei responsabili e informati.
Entrambi i workshop mirano a costruire una solida base di conoscenze sull’UE, promuovendo allo stesso tempo il senso di comunità e appartenenza tra i giovani.
“Costruire insieme l’Europa: valori, pace e inclusione”
Questo progetto, rivolto agli studenti delle scuole primarie, si concentra sull’insegnamento dei valori fondamentali dell’Unione Europea, come la pace, la libertà, l’uguaglianza e l’inclusione. Attraverso l’espressione creativa e il dialogo, gli studenti sono guidati in un’esperienza di apprendimento immersiva che li aiuta a comprendere l’importanza di vivere in una società democratica e pacifica.
Il viaggio dei valori Europei: Questa attività permette agli studenti di co-creare un mini-racconto che illustra i valori fondamentali dell’UE, come la libertà, l’uguaglianza e la pace. Attraverso le loro parole e disegni, i bambini costruiranno una storia che riflette la loro comprensione di cosa significhi essere un buon cittadino che vive armoniosamente all’interno di una società diversificata.
Conoscere e approfondire la comunicazione non violenta: In questo workshop di role-playing, gli studenti apprenderanno l’importanza della comunicazione non violenta e il suo impatto nel favorire la coesione sociale. Attraverso giochi di ruolo e discussioni partecipate, esploreranno come condividere, cooperare e contribuire a un cambiamento positivo nelle loro comunità, rifiutando allo stesso tempo i messaggi di odio e promuovendo la pace.
Queste attività aiutano gli studenti a riflettere sulla loro responsabilità personale come cittadini delle loro comunità locali e globali, gettando le basi per il futuro impegno civico.
“Custodi del futuro: sostenibilità e scelte consapevoli”
Concentrandosi sulla sostenibilità e l’educazione ambientale, questo progetto ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la consapevolezza ambientale e incoraggiare i giovani a fare scelte responsabili che abbiano un impatto positivo sul pianeta.
Scopriamo l’acqua e le stagioni: Questo workshop in due parti inizia con un’attività divertente e informativa sull’uso dell’acqua. Gli studenti interagiranno con il fumetto “Goccia a Goccia,” sviluppato nell’ambito di un progetto europeo di ALDA, che mette in evidenza l’importanza dell’uso sostenibile dell’acqua. Nel secondo incontro, gli studenti parteciperanno a un gioco interattivo dove, divisi in gruppi, dovranno abbinare immagini di frutta e verdura alla stagione corrispondente, imparando così a consumare in modo sostenibile.
Ambiente e fast fashion: quali Implicazioni?: Rivolto agli studenti più grandi, questo workshop interattivo esplora il legame tra l’industria della fast fashion e il degrado ambientale. Attraverso discussioni e attività di gruppo, gli studenti rifletteranno criticamente sul loro ruolo di consumatori e su come possano contribuire alla protezione ambientale attraverso scelte responsabili.
Il focus sulla sostenibilità ambientale garantisce che gli studenti escano dal progetto con una maggiore comprensione di come le loro azioni quotidiane influenzano il pianeta, incoraggiandoli a diventare custodi attivi dell’ambiente.
Tutti e tre i progetti offrono agli studenti strumenti preziosi per comprendere il loro ruolo come cittadini responsabili e informati, sia a livello locale che a livello dell’Unione Europea. Restate sintonizzati per ulteriori aggiornamenti!
After traveling through 17 cities across 7 countries, raising awareness about the environmental and social harm caused by fast fashion, the 50 participants of the “The Future We Want“ Transnational Caravan completed their impactful journey on September 16, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium.
Train and empower 50 young people to advocate for action on the SDGs.
Build the capacities of 9 partner organisations in advocacy and campaigning.
Engage 30,000 young people across Europe in sustainability and the SDGs through online and street campaigns.
Journey of Impact
Two buses embarked from Naples (Italy) and Bucharest (Romania), joining forces in Ljubljana (Slovenia) before heading to Brussels, where participants called upon Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to support their demands for a sustainable future. Along the way, participants engaged thousands through street activities like sewing workshops, interactive quizzes, and theatre performances. By combining art, education, and activism, they successfully connected with citizens and decision-makers alike.
Advocacy and Action in Brussels
The Future We Want team produced key advocacy materials, including:
An open letter urging MEPs and EU institutions to take immediate action on fast fashion.
A policy brief highlighting the environmental impacts of fast fashion and recommending sustainable solutions.
A petition to ban fast fashion advertising across Europe: you still have the time to sign!
A youth manifesto (which will be published soon) detailing a vision for a more sustainable future, crafted by young activists from all over Europe.
These documents were presented to MEPs, culminating in engaging discussions with Italian, French, Romanian, and Belgian MEPs, as well as representatives of the EU Commission.
Political Engagement and Key Meetings
The caravan made a significant political impact, with local policymakers and European leaders supporting their cause. Highlights from the Brussels event include:
Italian MEPs Camilla Laureti and Alessandra Moretti. The focus of the discussion was on the Eco Design initiative and the introduction of the “green passport”, which is expected to be fully operational by 2027. They expressed an interest in considering the group’s proposals, as many of the points raised were already reflected in their ongoing work. Both MEPs emphasised the importance of promoting responsible consumer behaviour. Mrs. Laureti highlighted the critical role that movements like “Fridays for Future” played in making the European Green Deal possible, stressing the need for continued youth activism to mobilise support and drive meaningful change.
French MEP Majdouline Sbaï engaging with participants on fast fashion’s environmental and social costs, pledging future collaboration. Mrs. Sbaï represents an important voice in the ongoing debate on sustainability in Europe. During the meeting, she shared her insights on the environmental and social impacts of the fast fashion industry. She signed the petition and expressed her willingness to cooperate in the future, especially in view of the negotiations for the Directive onGreen Claims.
Romanian MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță. The team introduced their project providing him with an overview of their work, including details about the project’s outreach efforts both online and offline. After hearing their policy proposals, Mr. Ștefănuță expressed strong support for their initiative, signing the open letter and petition to demonstrate his commitment. He even shared these materials within his network, as he had done previously. His team, comprising young individuals, offered valuable feedback and suggestions for future actions. They look forward to staying engaged with the project and collaborating on the next steps.
Belgian MEPs Estelle Ceulemans showed great enthusiasm for the project and the group’s dedication to these issues, praising the efforts of young people in driving the conversation around sustainable policy. Mrs. Ceulemans remained engaged and curious, she provided insights into the parliamentary process, particularly the challenges of pushing for legislation, such as including a provision to ban fossil fuel advertisements, which she acknowledged could be difficult despite her possible role in trilogue negotiations for Parliament.
Additionally, there has been a discussion with Belgian MEP Saskia Bricmontand DeputySarah Schiltzwho strongly supported the cause of the project. With their experience, they provided valuable guidance on tactics, key contacts, and next steps to take in the weeks following the meeting. They emphasised the importance of perseverance in their challenging but important fight. Mrs. Bricmont also committed to sharing the details of their discussion with her colleagues and keeping us updated on any progress. Furthermore, she expressed her willingness to facilitate future meetings with other parliamentarians when the opportunity arises.
The meeting with representatives from the European Commission marked the highest moment of the project for the group. It provided a valuable opportunity to present their project in detail, offering deep insights into the organisation of the campaign, the recruitment of participants, and the overall journey. The team also shared personal stories from the caravan, underscoring how the project’s success had surpassed their initial expectations. With a clear outline of the campaign’s impact, they engaged in a forward-looking discussion on potential next steps, with a focus on the upcoming project evaluation meeting in December. Those meetings will be critical in determining future actions and in shaping public policies, especially those targeting fast fashion and sustainability.
The journey concluded in Brussels with significant commitments from MEPs and EU officials, confirming that their efforts had resonated at the highest levels.
The Future We Want project has not only ignited conversations about sustainable fashion but has empowered a generation of young activists to drive change. As the journey ends, the foundation is set for continued collaboration with policymakers, pushing for real solutions to fast fashion’s environmental and social challenges.
On September 16th, 2024, in Berlin, Germany, the final event of the INCLUDATE: Educating for Inclusion project took place, bringing together partners from six European countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Hungary). Over two years of collaboration, the project addressed critical issues related to the inclusion of individuals with fewer opportunities, particularly migrants, who often face intersectional marginalisation through ethnic discrimination and socio-economic disadvantage.
Project outcomes and focus
The INCLUDATE project aimed to promote social inclusion through education, with a particular focus on marginalised groups. Throughout the project, a series of events and trainings were held in cities across Europe, including Budapest, Gdynia, Palermo, Copenhagen, and Berlin. These events provided participants with hands-on experience and fostered active engagement in a variety of inclusion initiatives, reinforcing the project’s core goals.
Final event highlights
The concluding event in Berlin focused on reviewing the project’s achievements, facilitating discussions with partners, and engaging local civil society actors. Key sessions included workshops that featured 3 innovative methods for fostering inclusion: the “Walk of Life,” “Moments of Exclusion,” and “Community Reporting.” These approaches have proven effective in addressing social exclusion and can be applied in diverse educational settings to promote inclusivity.
ALDA is committed to fostering social inclusion and empowering marginalised groups through education and collaboration across Europe.
The event culminated in a panel discussion with two German civil society representatives who shared their experiences working with vulnerable communities, particularly African migrants and the LGBTQ+ community in Germany.
Resources for continued impact
The INCLUDATE project produced several key resources that are now available on the project website. These include:
Interactive eBook
Local Strategies/Action Plans
Interactive Curriculum for Community Impact
Training Guide
These resources are designed to support educators, community leaders, and organisations in their efforts to promote inclusion and create positive social impact.
The creative industries are dynamic and ever-changing, presenting both opportunities and challenges for artists and cultural professionals. In the modern world market, individuals in these fields need more than just talent to thrive—they need a robust set of entrepreneurial skills. This is where theCreate Up project, an Erasmus+ EU funded initiative, comes into play. The project’s primary aim is to equip artists and creative professionals with the necessary competencies to navigate and succeed in today’s competitive market, reducing the risk of unemployment and fostering a culture of innovation.
Identifying crucial competencies
To address the gap in entrepreneurial skills within the artistic sector, the Create Up team conducted extensive research to identify key competencies crucial for success. Drawing insights from theEuropean Commission’s EntreComp, which outlines the competencies needed for entrepreneurial success, the project has distilled these into six essential areas:
Financial & economic literacy;
Working with others;
Spotting opportunities;
Planning & management;
Mobilizing resources;
Coping with ambiguity & uncertainty;
Create Up eLearning Course: a tailored approach to learning
After extensive research and development, the Create Up project has launched its eLearning course, designed to cater to learners from the artistic field and educators alike. This innovative online course is structured around the six key competencies, offering a comprehensive and tailored learning experience.
Understanding that learners come with varying levels of experience and knowledge, the course is structured into three levels for each competency:
Foundation: for beginners who are new to entrepreneurial concepts.
Intermediate: for those with some experience looking to deepen their understanding.
Advanced: for experienced individuals aiming to refine their skills and stay ahead in the market.
Before starting the course, learners can take a self-assessment test that evaluates their current knowledge and skills. Based on the results, they are automatically directed to the appropriate level in each module, ensuring a personalised learning journey that meets their specific needs.
Upcoming Conferences and International Collaboration
The outputs of the Create Up project and especially its eLearning course will be tested and disseminated through a series of official conferences in six countries: Slovenia, Türkiye, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy and France. These events will bring together artists, educators, policymakers and industry professionals to discuss the project’s findings, share best practices, and explore the future of entrepreneurship in the arts.
The final conference will take place in France in Winter 2024, serving as a culmination of the project’s efforts and a launchpad for its continued impact. This event will showcase the outstanding results of the project, highlight the contributions of the project’s partners and set the stage for future initiatives aimed at supporting entrepreneurship in the creative sector.
Find more about activities of Create up on our websiteand for more information about the planned conferences follow our social media platforms: LinkedIn, InstagramandFacebook
As the project moves into its next and final phase, with the testing of its eLearning course and the upcoming series of conferences, it promises to make a lasting impact on the creative industries, fostering a new generation of empowered, entrepreneurial artists ready to take on the challenges of the future.
As part of its commitment to promoting local democracy, Human Rights, and citizen engagement, ALDA recently undertook a mission to Central Asia, aimed at expanding its presence and fostering partnerships with civil society organisations (CSOs) across Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The mission, led by a dedicated team, successfully achieved five strategic objectives, setting the groundwork for long-term cooperation and development in the region.
Mission objectives
ALDA’s mission in Central Asia was built around five key goals:
Exploring the operational environment of CSOs: Gaining insight into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by local organisations.
Identifying potential synergies: Seeking areas of collaboration, particularly in sectors aligned with ALDA’s mission and expertise.
Gathering relevant information: Investigating the fields of activity and strategic priorities of Central Asian CSOs.
Presenting ALDA’s work: Introducing ALDA’s mission, programmes, and community to prospective partners and stakeholders.
Building a dynamic cooperation network: Establishing in-person relationships to facilitate future collaborative projects.
Key findings by country
In Almaty, Kazakhstan, ALDA met with prominent organisations, including NGO Echo, the Institute of National and International Development Initiatives, and the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law. These groups, known for their significant contributions to civil society, expressed strong interest in ALDA’s activities, particularly in the areas of territorial development and local governance. The discussions revealed promising opportunities for partnership, especially with the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) and NGO Echo, both of which have a solid focus on local development. The organisations welcomed the opportunity for follow-up collaboration.
In Tajikistan, ALDA engaged with CSOs working across diverse fields such as social work, gender issues, youth development, and community engagement. Arranged with the kind support of EFCA Tajikistan, these meetings were productive, with the organisations demonstrating both enthusiasm for collaboration and expertise in areas that align with ALDA’s focus. A key highlight of the mission was the discussion with the European Union Delegation in Dushanbe, which outlined regional priorities such as Human Rights, media development, and strengthening civil society. The exchange confirmed a mutual interest in future cooperation between ALDA and Tajik organisations, particularly in the fields of youth and gender empowerment as well as rural development.
In Uzbekistan, ALDA engaged with some of the well-established organisations, facilitated by Yuksalish, an initiative focused on socio-economic reforms and civic engagement. Yuksalish’s extensive network and experience offer promising collaboration opportunities, particularly in areas such as environmental sustainability and community development.
In addition to these discussions, ALDA explored opportunities with other CSOs focused on youth, gender equality, and support for people with disabilities. These sectors align well with ALDA’s thematic priorities and present strong potential for future partnerships.
Future steps
This mission represents a significant step in ALDA’s efforts to support CSOs in Central Asia. Moving forward, ALDA intends to explore funding opportunities, particular attention will be paid to EU funding initiatives, with the goal of establishing long-term partnerships.
ALDA also plans to maintain ongoing communication with the organisations engaged during the mission. A second visit to the region is being planned to solidify these partnerships and initiate collaborative projects, and it will likely coincide with upcoming EU funding opportunities expected in early 2025.
Strengthening democracy through cooperation
ALDA’s mission in Central Asia underscores its dedication to strengthening civil society and promoting democracy through collaboration. By establishing new partnerships and identifying areas of synergy, ALDA is well-positioned to support local initiatives that advance Human Rights, civic engagement, and sustainable development in the region. ALDA looks forward to continuing its work in Central Asia and sharing updates on future developments. To stay informed about our latest projects and initiatives, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media.
Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, and exercised directly or indirectly by them through a system of representation elected by free elections. Rooted in the ancient Greek principle of “the power of the people,” it has evolved over centuries, adapting to different cultures and historical contexts. More than just an end goal, democracy is an ongoing process that shapes how societies are structured and how they function. Its defining feature is the aim to establish a form of government in which the people hold sovereign authority over themselves and their nations.
The International Day of Democracy, promoted by the United Nations, offers a crucial opportunity to reflect on the current state of democracy worldwide. While democratic values continue to flourish in many regions, they are far from guaranteed everywhere. In recent years, democracy has faced significant challenges, with major political movements and governments threatening free speech, civil liberties, and democratic governance.
To celebrate this International Day of Democracy, ALDA took to the streets of Vicenza (Italy) to ask citizens directly what democracy meant to them, inviting them to express it in a single sentence or concept. What we discovered, however, defied our expectations.
When asked about their views on democracy, many people emphasised its core principles—freedom, equality, and the sovereignty of the people—expressing appreciation and proximity for the significance of these values. However, we also encountered several critical perspectives. Some expressed the belief that democracy has eroded in recent years, arguing that certain Western societies, despite identifying as democratic, no longer uphold the core values of true democracy. Others expressed skepticism towards democracy as a system of government, arguing that it often leads to corruption and that representative democracy fails to genuinely reflect the will of the people and what they really care about. These opinions resonate on a global scale, as support for more autocratic forms of government has been rising in recent years. According to a study conducted by Pew Research Centre in 2023, an average of 59% of people are dissatisfied with how their democracy is functioning, 74% think elected officials don’t care what people like them think and 42% say that they don’t feel represented by any political party in their country.
Taking into account people’s disenchantment in democracy, what strategies and actions can be implemented to address this pressing issue that appears to be affecting diverse societies across the globe, and howcan we effectively counter its impact on democratic values and governance?
ALDA’s mission is to promote democracy by working at the local level and building a global alliance of associations, civil organisations, and local governments. This network supports local democracy and citizen engagement across Europe, its neighbouring regions, and around the world. ALDA believes that advancing democratic values on a smaller scale—through projects that foster common strategies and collaborative actions—empowers local communities and equips them with the resources and tools they need to thrive. This approach seeks to build societies that are deeply committed to these principles.
As we reflect on the current state of democracy, it’s evident that while its foundational values are cherished and respected by most, they face substantial challenges. The growing disillusionment and criticism highlight a crucial need for renewed commitment to transparency and genuine representation. By focusing on local initiatives and fostering global collaboration, ALDA strives to promote democratic principles and support communities in building resilient, inclusive societies. Involving citizens in their communities promotes engagement and strengthens their trust in democratic values, as they can see the positive impact of their participation.
On this International Day of Democracy, let’s remember the importance of collaboration—from local communities to a global scale —to overcome challenges and strengthen the democratic ideals that unite us.
The video below captures our journey through the streets of Vicenza (Italy), showcasing the voices and perspectives of those we encountered. While everyone featured granted us permission to share their opinions and appearances, we’ve chosen to obscure some faces, mindful of the power of the internet and social media.
The project involves the creation of 3D mapping, equivalent to Google Maps’ “Street view,” of two trails of great historical and cultural value: the “Road of Heroes” and the “Scarubbi”, both built by Italian soldiers during World War I. Through 3D capture technology, the project will make these trails digitally accessible to a much wider audience, increasing their visibility and offering a new way to explore them. These benefits are not only for people with disabilities and those who cannot visit in person, but also for the tourism industry, which will have a new tool to promote these historical routes. Thus, the project will have benefits for a wide range of target audiences. Tourists will have the opportunity to explore the trails in an innovative way; people with disabilities will have access to a hitherto precluded visiting experience; and cultural and tourism institutions will benefit from a new tool for promoting the Pasubio mountain. Thanks to Alda+’s contribution, it was possible to effectively manage the implementation of the project phases, from partner coordination to accounting supervision of the various activities.
To create immersive digital experiences, enriching access and enjoyment of cultural and natural heritage to all in an inclusive way.
Key Insights from the Public Budget Monitoring Report on Moldova’s Tourism Sector
The report, titled “Monitoring the State Budget of Central Public Authorities for the Development of the Tourism Sector: Budget Allocations by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development,” was the focal point of a roundtable discussion held in Chisinau on Thursday, August 29. The event brought together key stakeholders from various sectors to discuss the findings and explore strategies for advancing Moldova’s tourism industry.
Viorica Tudos, Director of ALDA Moldova, provided an overview of the current state of tourism development in Moldova. Her presentation focused on the implementation of state policies, performance programs, and the budget allocations for 2021-2023, with projections extending to 2024-2026. Tudos also offered a series of recommendations aimed at enhancing the sector by adopting international best practices.
Stakeholder Engagement and Collaborative Insights
The roundtable event was attended by representatives from several key organisations, including the National Association for Inbound and Outbound Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalisation, and the Entrepreneurship Development Organisation, among others. These stakeholders praised the report’s findings and shared their perspectives, emphasising the importance of this analysis in refining state budget planning and aligning resource allocation with Moldova’s strategic tourism development goals.
Detailed Analysis of Budget Allocations for Tourism Development
The report scrutinises state budget allocations for the two primary institutions overseeing tourism in Moldova: the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for developing policies and strategic visions, while the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development manages regional infrastructure through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.
Tourism in Moldova is managed by various state entities at both central and local levels, with programs designed to foster a favorable environment for infrastructure development, SME support, regional promotion, and national tourism branding.
Tourism Growth and Budgetary Challenges
Moldova’s tourism sector has seen growth, with over 500,000 tourists recorded annually by 2023. However, a significant portion of this figure comprises Moldovans traveling abroad, with only 9% representing inbound tourists. This disparity underscores a critical challenge that Moldovan authorities must address to strategically develop the sector.
Between 2021 and 2023, state budget expenditures for tourism exceeded 234 million lei. However, for the period 2024-2026, planned expenditures for tourism development constitute just 0.04% of the total state budget. Despite this modest allocation, improvements in services, sustainability investments, and marketing efforts have contributed to a 5.6% increase in both domestic and inbound tourism in 2023. Notably, tourism revenue saw a 26.1% rise compared to 2022, driven primarily by outbound tourism earnings.
Looking Ahead: The “Tourism 2028” Program
Globally, tourism contributes up to 10% of GDP in developed countries, while in Moldova, it currently accounts for only 3.3%. To address this gap, the upcoming “Tourism 2028” Program, now in the final stages of consultation, proposes a budget exceeding 752 million lei. This program aims to allocate up to 0.26% of the state budget to tourism, with the goal of increasing the sector’s contribution to GDP to 6.3% by 2028. Key strategies include strengthening the policy framework, stimulating investment in modern infrastructure, adapting to evolving tourism needs, and promoting a diverse tourism product that supports local community development.
About the Report
For more detailed information, you can access the full report here (available in Romanian).
The first edition of ALDA Summer School on Local Democracy has just come to its end, after three days of enriching and insightful lectures and discussions regarding the foundations, challenges, and future of local governance, with a special emphasis on Ukraine’s current situation.
This successful first edition took place from August 28th to 30th, in the charming frame of the historical Villa Fabris, in the Municipality of Thiene, in northern Italy.
This edition of such a Summer School, absolutely unprecedented in its kind, was a great success among the participants and experts who took part. The choice of alternating theoretical lectures with workshops and moments dedicated to discussion convinced the participants, who were very satisfied with the experience, which provided them with new knowledge and practical skills on local democracy and citizens participation.
Since the first day, ALDA Summer School was marked by a warm and familiar atmosphere which helped creating the sense of community among participants, making them feel comfortable and free to express their ideas and doubts on such a complex matter.
Indeed, the Summer School started at its full capacity, with some 30 participants from 12 countries across Europe, the Balkans, Africa and America.
Let’s go through the three days to review the highlights of our Summer School:
Day 1 centered on the “Foundations of Local Democracy,” featuring a welcome from key figures such as Marco Boaria, Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy of ALDA, Scientific Coordinator of the School, Gianantonio Michelusi, Mayor of Thiene Municipality and Emir Coric, Vice President and Governing Board Member of ALDA and representative of Centar Municipality, North Macedonia. Following, participants enjoyed a keynote on the evolution of local democracy by Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions. Then,Helfried Carl, Innovation in Politics Institute and Founder of the European Capital of Democracy initiative, gave a speech on the role and consequences of innovation on local democracy and analysed the main current trends, followed by a participated plenary discussion involving all speakers and participants.
The afternoon’s main event was a panel discussion on local governance and social participation during which Michał Zorena, Director, Department of Local Cooperation and Social Innovation, Gdansk Municipality, Poland, and Raisa Labaran, Municipal Councillor, Brescia Municipality, Italy, brought their personal experience as municipal officers.
The day ended with a field visit to the Municipality of Thiene, where participants were welcome by the Mayor and some councillors, who presented the local community and described the main current projects ongoing.
Day 2 explored “Challenges and Innovations in Local Governance,” with a keynote on active citizenship by Francesca Gelli, Professor of Political Science at IUAV University of Venice (Italy) and a discussion on democratic resilience at European and local level again held by Patrick Molinoz. In the afternoon a workshop on democratic decision-making which delighted the participants, who all put themselves in the shoes of municipal officers and, according to various given scenarios, had to try to find the right tool to stimulate citizens participation.
Day 3 focused on “Ukraine at a Critical Path: looking into the future for sustainable and deep democracy” with keynote addresses on the critical situation Mariupol has been living since the Russian invasion started, from Olha Pikula, Councillor of Mariupol City Council (Ukraine), including Mariupol’s Mayor Vadym Bojčenko, who joined through a video-message. Then, Olha Oliinyk, Deputy Head of the Secretariat – Head of the Center for Сommunications, Еxternal relations and Fundraising of Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies (Ukraine), who gave a speech on local governments and civil society groups from Ukraine. Discussions examined social cohesion, community resilience, and the challenges faced by civic spaces in fragile contexts.
These interventions were followed by a participated debate, since the first-hand experiences presented by our experts aroused curiosity and questions on participants, especially on the peculiar case of Mariupol, a Municipality working from exile. The afternoon saw a panel discussion on “Civic space challenges in fragile contexts: strategies for inclusive governance”, moderated by Abdelaziz Bouslah, ALDA Tunis Office Director and Africa Regional Officer – Middle East and Africa Department.
The event concluded with reflections, assessments and a closing ceremony.
Thus, the Summer School provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of local democracy and fostered connections among participants committed to advancing democratic governance in their communities.
All in all, an outstanding success promising for an even greater edition next year: indeed our wish and commitment is to make the Summer School on Local Democracy grow and become a regular appointment and reference point for all practitioners of good local governance all around Europe and beyond!
The final day of the ALDA Summer School on Local Democracy centered on Ukraine, addressing the profound challenges faced by local governments and civil society amid ongoing conflict and efforts toward recovery. The agenda for the day brought together key Ukrainian figures such as municipal officers, ALDA representatives, and international experts to discuss resilience, social cohesion, and the future of civic spaces in fragile contexts.
The day began with a series of keynote addresses on the theme of “Mariupol and Resilience.” Vadym Bojčenko, Mayor of Mariupol, delivered a powerful video message, reflecting on the resilience of his city in the face of extraordinary adversity. Following him, Olha Pikula, Councillor from the Mariupol City Council, provided further insights into the ongoing challenges and the determination of local leaders to rebuild and support their communities. “The case of Mariupol can be useful to understand the effort to rebuild democracy despite the difficulties of the war” – said Ms Pikula. She then described two among the several ongoing projects for Mariupol’s reconstruction: “Mariupol housing” which by the next year will provide more than 2000 houses and “Mariupol reborn”, a project to revive the city by 2040.
The morning continued with a keynote address by Olha Oliinyk, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies. Ms Oliinyk, who joined the School online, highlighted the crucial role that local governments and civil society groups play in maintaining democratic governance and community support during times of crisis. She emphasised the need for robust communication and external relations strategies to ensure continued support for Ukrainian municipalities.
After a brief coffee break, the focus shifted to a panel discussion on “Social Cohesion and Community Resilience.” This session, moderated by Anastasiia Buslaieva, ALDA Ukraine LDA Coordinator, brought together several prominent Ukrainian experts. Inna Volkova, an ALDA Governing Board member, and Khrystyna Kvarstyana, ALDA’s Representative in Ukraine, both joined online, sharing their perspectives on fostering community resilience under challenging circumstances. Tetiana Lomakina, Delegate LDA Mariupol, and Olha Pikula also contributed, discussing how local initiatives can strengthen social cohesion in the face of ongoing disruptions.
Following lunch, the afternoon panel addressed “Civic Space Challenges in Fragile Contexts: Strategies for Inclusive Governance.” Abdelaziz Bouslah, Director of the ALDA Tunis Office and Africa Regional Officer, led the discussion, focusing on the strategies necessary to protect and expand civic spaces in regions affected by conflict and instability. The panel provided valuable lessons from various international contexts, emphasizing the importance of inclusive governance as a foundation for long-term resilience.
The day concluded with a closing ceremony, where participants reflected on the insights gained and discussed the next steps for continuing the work initiated during the summer school. Certificates were awarded to participants, marking the end of a meaningful and impactful event.
The final day of the ALDA Summer School underscored the critical role of local democracy and civil society in sustaining communities through times of crisis, particularly in Ukraine. As the event came to a close, the discussions held throughout the day served as a reminder of the resilience and determination of local leaders and the importance of international support in their efforts to build a more stable and democratic future.
The second day of our Summer School on Local Democracy saw a lighter agenda in terms of expert interventions, but definitely more specific for what concerns citizens participation and decision-making processes.
Today, participants were provided with an academic overview on the meaning and concpt of “citizen participation” by Francesca Gelli, Professor of Political Science at IUAV University of Venice (Italy). Prof. Gelli also explained the functioning of participation within the political frame of a municipality as well as the changing perspectives when considering different political cultures, mainly linked to a specific geographical area.
“Participation is a creative, often unpredictable process. – stated Prof. Gelli –Then, we need to keep in mind that participation is for change, so it has to surprise, criticize the existent, allow new partnerships and connections.”
She also mentioned some examples of innovative participatory methods implemented in the Italian regions of Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Puglia. One was related to the participatory methods in political parties, the other relates to public debate related to architectural projects.
“Participation is for change, so it has to surprise, criticize the existent, allow new partnerships and connections” Prof. Francesca Gelli
Following such a theoretical beginning, the floor was taken by Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions, who presented examples of “democratic resilience at European and local level”. He mentioned some case studies involving the Committee of the Regions in facing crises such as the covid-19 breakout and the more recent war in Ukraine.
He then questioned the role and responsibility of politicians regarding promises made to citizens during the election campaign, as this is a focal point when it comes to citizen participation. “City governments and leaders have the greatest responsibility, since city leaders and candidates simply can’t promise the impossible, being them closer to the people. – outlines Mr Molinoz – Otherwise then, the same people vote for candidates from opposite political parties in the same electoral day, at different electoral levels: there’s no more ideological vote. Also, we have lost a common perspective: this perspective is, for me, EU”.
All these inputs of course aroused several reactions in the participants, which then took the floor with several questions and inputs, creating a dynamic plenary debate, moderate by Anna Ditta, Head of Development Department of ALDA.
The afternoon took a different shape with a workshop on “Citizen Participation and Democratic Decision-Making” – using the right instrument at the right place” .
To introduce the workshop and provide even more knowledge and inputs for debate, our colleague Anna Ditta provided an insightful on citizens participation and on the various degree of participation, according to the Council of Europe, being them information, as the basis of participation; consultation; dialogue and partnership”.
On this basis, the activity foresaw that participants, divided into smaller groups and according to various given scenarios, had to try to find the right tool to stimulate citizens participation.
The day thus came to an end, looking forward to the third and conclusive day tomorrow, when Ukraine will be in the spotlight, as a case-study of critical situation, when democracy and participation are in danger since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in 24th of February 2022.
From 22 to 27 July 2024, Nocera Umbra, a picturesque village in the province of Perugia (Italy), hosted the final stage of the competition ‘Let’s become European Citizens’, an important initiative promoted by the European Federalist Movement (MFE) in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice. During this week, the city became the stage for a Europeanist holiday and training, in which the winners of the competition participated. The young people were involved in intense discussions on crucial issues for the future of Europe, debating with experts and deepening issues of great relevance for the continent.
The programme of the symposium dealt with highly topical issues, ranging from the crisis of European centrality in the 20th century to federalism and the construction of a federal state, and the process of European integration as a response to the crisis of the nation states. Particular attention was devoted to the new world balances that emerged after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with a focus on relations between Europe, the United States, Russia and the Mediterranean area.
Discussions also focused on topics such as technological innovation, the ecological transition of the economy and the role of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) in the European context. The presence of high-profile experts ensured a rich and stimulating debate, fostering constructive discussion among the participants.
Among the speakers, Rita Biconne, Head of the Project Implementation Unit of ALDA, gave a significant contribution by illustrating the initiatives of the Association at European level and the crucial role ALDA played as a partner of the European Parliament in raising awareness and promoting the Parliamentary elections of June 2024, through the campaign ‘Better Europe Together’.
The seminar in Nocera Umbra, widely supported by ALDA, represented the culmination of the competition ‘Let’s become European Citizens’, an initiative born in Verona and then extended at regional level, which aims to promote an active and aware European citizenship among secondary school students in Veneto.
The prize-giving ceremony of the competition took place on 16 May 2024 in Mestre, while on 29 June 2024 the 40th anniversary of the competition was celebrated with an event entitled ‘Europe after the vote’, which was also attended by Andrea Rilievo, member of the Governing Board of ALDA.
This year’s edition saw the participation of 28 students from six schools in the provinces of Treviso and Venice, with 13 of them recognised as winners and special mentions.
As ALDA, we had the honour and pleasure to interview four students who particularly distinguished themselves during the seminar in Nocera Umbra: Riccardo Tavella, Matteo Buccella, Alessandro Carbone and Beatrice Ferraro. Their testimonies were a source of inspiration, showing how these initiatives can really influence the formation of an aware and active European citizenship.
This is what they told us when we asked them:
After participating in the Seminar, do you feel that you have strengthened your sense of belonging to the European Union?
Following my participation in the Nocera Umbra 2024 Seminar, I can say that I have indeed strengthened my sense of belonging to the European Union. The discussions on the challenges and opportunities facing the Union, as well as the exchanges of ideas with many of my peers, have made me realise even more how a federalist Europe is a unique and necessary project that requires the commitment of every citizen for its realisation. – Matteo Buccella.
The Seminar experience allowed me to get to know many people who are different from me in terms of studies, age and, above all, opinions. These differences, however, made me realise how important the EU is as a sharing of principles considered common, capable of overcoming different points of view in favour of broader and more important themes. – Riccardo Tavella.
Participating in the seminar undoubtedly allowed me to see that feeling part of the EU is imperative, but not in itself sufficient if detached from the conviction that there is no future without Europe, or rather, without the certainty of a common and effective front in the face of the major issues that are increasingly beyond the capacities of individual European countries. It is undeniable that Europe is still not what it should be, it is on the other hand true that our distrust is the tenacious enemy of progress. – Beatrice Ferraro.
How do you think you can concretely apply what you learnt during the seminar in your daily life?
During the seminar, we discussed in depth the role the EU plays today in events such as the war in Ukraine, tensions in the Middle East or the development of new global economic balances. Every day, through comparison with news reports or with the topics discussed at school, the topics discussed in Nocera prove useful not only for expressing one’s own opinions, but also for developing an awareness of global problems and thus becoming active and aware citizens. – Riccardo Tavella.
What I can do concretely is to share, both online and in person, what I learnt during the seminar in conversations with friends or relatives. – Alessandro Carbone.
What do you think are the main elements needed to build a stronger and more cohesive European Union?
The effectiveness of the EU lies in the unity of its members, be they individual inhabitants or large countries. The Union should implement policies that are closer to the citizens, so as to create European people that are aware of the rights and benefits they can draw from a more united EU model on a daily basis. This trust in the EU can also be achieved by a greater EU presence on the world stage. In a world whose changes are so rapid, the EU should position itself as a political and moral point of reference, capable of both following these dynamic times and remaining a stable and authoritative body. – Riccardo Tavella.
Building a stronger and more cohesive Europe requires combined political, economic, social and cultural reforms. It is essential to promote political and institutional integration that encourages participatory democracy and is aimed at unifying foreign and security policies. In addition, we need a sustainable innovation system, supported by strengthened and coherent social policies. – Matteo Buccella.
To build a stronger and more cohesive European Union there is a need to make people more aware of all the benefits that states, but especially people themselves, have gained from the EU. Examples are freedom of movement, consumer and social rights, Erasmus. Showing what enormous progress the EU has made is the only way to avoid the rise of Eurosceptic populisms that play on misinformation and nationalistic sentiments by distorting the benefits of the EU to fuel divisions among citizens. – Alessandro Carbone.
What does it mean to you, on a personal level, to be a European citizen?
Shortly after the seminar in Nocera Umbra I travelled to Stockholm. Although I had never visited a Baltic capital, which is certainly different in culture and mindset from our Mediterranean country, in Sweden I did not feel like a stranger at all. This feeling of mine was certainly the result of the breaking down of language barriers due to English but, in more subtle aspects, I still felt part of one big European citizenship. The attention to environmental impact, respect for rights and the culture of one’s own country, although conducted differently between Italy and Sweden, still allowed me to find common values in a place far from home, a sensation that, perhaps, I would not have felt visiting a non-EU country. – Riccardo Tavella.
Being a European citizen means being part of a community that values diversity, human rights and democracy: it means having the freedom to travel, study and work in different countries. On a personal level, it is a sense of belonging to a common project that promotes peace and cooperation, but also a commitment to actively contribute to building a sustainable and inclusive future. – Matteo Buccella.
Going beyond the formal concept of citizenship, I would say that being European citizens means being people who are open to embrace other cultures, open to confront each other, open to discover what is beyond the everyday and the usual. This is the European Union, the union of cultures thousands of years old that are different and close to each other, and its citizens are those who allow these cultures to come together. – Alessandro Carbone.
Every one of us is a European citizen, despite the fact that indifference to this notion has grown in recent years. Yet it is the primary task of any citizen to be an active member of the community, strong in equal measure of good intentions and critical thinking, so as to be able to grasp the flaws of a European system no longer suited to the current world panorama and work by all means to move towards something new. Of course, the only winning weapon in the midst of such predominant disinformation is the relentless and careful pursuit of knowledge and awareness. – Beatrice Ferraro.
It is with profound sadness that we learn of the passing of Alessandro Perelli, a former Vice President and esteemed Governing Board Member of ALDA. For a long time Alessandro represented the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region in the Governing Board of the Association, where he served in the European integration, international relations and financial management Service.
Alessandro’s contributions to the Organisation and his unwavering commitment to the promotion of local democracy will be remembered by all who had the privilege of working alongside him.
During his tenure at ALDA, Alessandro played a crucial role in contributing to the Organisation’s vision and strategic direction, especially for what concerns the Balkans and the Mediterranean, geographical areas particularly relevant to him.
His work was marked by a deep dedication to empowering local communities, fostering cooperation, and enhancing citizen participation in governance. He was a passionate advocate for democratic values, tirelessly working to strengthen local democracy through innovative programs and initiatives.
The thoughts and condolences of the entire ALDA community are with Alessandro’s family and loved ones during this difficult time. His memory will live on through the many projects and initiatives he helped bring to life, and through the countless people whose lives he touched.
The first edition of the ALDA Sumer School on Local Democracy kicked off today, on Wednesday 28th of August, when the over 30 participants arrived in Villa Fabris, in Thiene (Italy) ready to start a fruitful day of discussion on the history and development of local democracy over time to the present day. The atmosphere was immediately warm and welcoming: the participants got to know each other and their different backgrounds were an opportunity to share and reflect on the different experiences of citizen participation in Europe.
Indeed, the Summer School is characterised by a distinctly international spirit, with participants and experts from 12 countries in Europe, the Balkans, the neighbourhood and Africa. Moreover, as a matter of fact, participants are mainly people from civil society organisations involved in the promotion of active citizenship and members of municipalities and regions.
The Summer School began with institutional greetings presented by Gianantonio Michelusi, Mayor of the Municipality of Thiene, (Italy); Emir Coric, Vice President and Governing Board Member of ALDA and representative of Centar Municipality (North Macedonia); and Marco Boaria, Director of Programmes and Corporate Strategy of ALDA and Scientific Coordinator of the School.
Then, Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions; and Carl Helfried, Innovation in Politics Institute and Founder of the European Capital of Democracy initiative, they brought us deep into the discussion
During his intervention on “Innovation on local democracy and current trends”, Mr Molinoz started with a historical overview of the development of local democracy. “If we look at different times of history, we could agree that democracy, real democracy, is what helped people to have a better life: only democracy can help us, through a humanistic approach, to reach to a better life for as many people as possible.” He then provided insight on the specific situation of France, where, to his view, “thereal problem of participation is that people don’t really know how a democratic process works, and this is essential to understand the reality of the decision-making process, essential to prevent people from being disappointed when some promises made by politicians are not kept”.
On another note, during the panel “Innovation on local democracy and current trends”, Mr Helfried outlined the main challenges democracy is currently facing, starting from the very democracy, since “democracy itself is a challenge, both for voters and elected representatives alike. And multi-level democracy is even more challenging! But all in all – continues Mr Helfried – Democracy shows better results than other poliical forms of governance, and this is also testified by the fact that democratic countries are more attractive than non-democratic ones”. On the innovation side, Mr Helfried explained how in 2019 the idea of a new concept was born; a project implying a positive competition among cities in the field of citizens participation processes. This project is reality today, being the European Capital of Democracy (ECoD).
The afternoon featured speeches reporting direct experiences of local governance, by Michał Zorena, Director of the Department of Local Cooperation and Social Innovation of Gdansk Municipality (Poland) and Raisa Labaran, Municipal Councillor of Brescia Municipality (Italy).
The former started with a theoretical background on participation and then moved on to talk about the pillar of participation, which is about “sharing the power: all stakeholders want to have the power to decide, but what comes with the power is responsibility – and he continued– so the question for the various stakeholders should be: are you prepared to share the power and, with this, the responsibility?”
Ms Labaran delved into the concrete challenges that the municipality of Brescia faces every day, namely migrant inclusion. “Our approach is space-based – explained Ms Labaran – and starts from the view that pretty spaces where people can feel safe contribute to the common welfare for all the citizens. We are working on space-shaping processes through which people can feel part of the city”.
Then, after a fruitful speed networking, which helped participants to get to know each other better, the day ended with a field visit to the Municipality of Thiene, where participants were welcomed by the Mayor himself, who guided us through the premises of the municipality and outlined the main projects the city has been working on to improve local governance and citizen participation.
And so the first day came to an end, with participants saying they were very happy with this start and eager to take advantage of all the knowledge and opportunities the summer school will offer them from now until the end!
On Day 3 of the ALDA Summer School, the spotlight was on Ukraine’s path to resilience and democracy, with discussions centred around the immense challenges faced by local governments and civil society. Despite electricity shortages, key Ukrainian figures shared their insights, including Mrs. Olha Pikula, Councillor from the Mariupol City Council, who attended in person.
The Mayor of Mariupol, Mr.Vadym Bojčenko, connected online to present plans to rebuild Mariupol through projects like “Mariupol Housing” and the visionary “Ukrainian Singapore” initiative, envisioning the city’s rebirth by 2040. They also emphasised the importance of rebuilding democratic institutions alongside physical infrastructure.
With local leadership at the forefront, Ukraine’s future is being shaped by innovative strategies and international collaboration
Mrs. Olha Oliinyk, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Self-Government Bodies, joining remotely, provided critical insights into the evolving role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Ukraine. She highlighted how CSOs have become indispensable in supporting governance, providing humanitarian aid and ensuring accountability at the local level during the war. Mrs. Oliinyk also emphasised the importance of international partnerships and capacity-building efforts that sustain Ukraine’s local governments.
The panel discussion on “Social Cohesion and Community Resilience” featured prominent figures like Mrs. Tetiana Lomakina, LDA Mariupol Delegate, and Mrs.Inna Volkova,ALDA Governing Board member. They discussed how community-led initiatives are essential to maintaining social cohesion in regions directly affected by the conflict. They have stressed the importance of empowering local leaders to drive recovery efforts that are sustainable and contextually relevant.
The third day of the Summer School showcased Ukraine’s strong commitment to democratic governance and recovery.
With local leadership at the forefront, Ukraine’s future is being shaped by innovative strategies and international collaboration, ensuring that the country not only survives but emerges as a resilient democracy.
On the 19th and 20th of August 2024, ALDA’s Communication Department gathered for its annual retreat in Villa Fabris, Thiene (Italy). Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming.
The retreat began with a welcoming breakfast, setting a relaxed tone for the days ahead. The morning kicked off with an ice-breaking session and internal assessment, offering everyone an opportunity to reflect on the department’s strategies, celebrate successes, and identify areas for growth. This session encouraged open dialogue and helped strengthen the bond between team members.
A major focus of the first day was on creativity and visual communication. The team engaged in a Graphic Design class, which provided them with the tools to create compelling visuals. From foundational design principles to advanced techniques, the training was essential in helping the team elevate ALDA’s outreach materials, ensuring they remain engaging and aligned with the orgàanisation’s mission.
In the afternoon, a brainstorming session opened the floor for new ideas, allowing everyone to contribute to upcoming campaigns and projects. This exchange of ideas was a dynamic moment, filled with creativity and forward-thinking strategies that will inform the department’s work in the future.
Team members from the Communication Department from ALDA’s Vicenza, Strasbourg and Brussels offices came together for two days of learning, collaboration and creative brainstorming
The second day turned to the growing importance of video in communication. The team participated in a Video Making class, where they gained hands-on experience in video production. The workshop covered everything from storyboarding and shooting to editing, ensuring that the team is well-prepared to create content that not only informs but inspires action-critical in supporting ALDA’s ongoing projects.
After lunch, a wrap-up session allowed the team to reflect on the skills and knowledge gained over the past two days. The session reinforced the shared commitment to enhancing ALDA’s communication efforts and promoting local democracy and citizen engagement across Europe.
To close the retreat, participants enjoyed some well-deserved relaxation with outdoor activities. This leisure time provided the perfect balance after two days of intense learning and collaboration.
The retreat was an outstanding success. It brought together team members from three offices, not only strengthening their creative and technical abilities but also deepening their collaboration. With new ideas, enhanced skills, and a renewed sense of purpose, the Communication Department is now even better equipped to amplify ALDA’s message and advance its mission throughout Europe.
What kind of future do we truly want? A future where people are exploited to produce our clothes, and mountains of textile waste grow in landfills? Or a future where we all make responsible choices, and governments take action against Fast Fashion’s harmful impact on the environment?
These are the questions that 50 young participants in this project asked themselves before deciding to take action on Fast Fashion.
The Future We Want is a two-year project led by a consortium of nine European organisations from Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Germany, and Portugal, with financial support from the European Commission.
The project’s goal is to empower young people to raise awareness about sustainability and climate change, with a focus on fast fashion and consumerism. The aim is to drive change at both local and European levels and promote a more sustainable future.
Participants are currently joining a Transnational Caravan that will visit 17 cities across Europe, implementing street activities and advocacy actions. If you live nearby, join the Transnational Caravan as it passes through 17 cities and become part of this major advocacy initiative for a more sustainable planet.
We are waiting for you in
Vicenza, Italy, 31 August (Piazza San Lorenzo, from 18:00 to 20:00 / Belgrade, Serbia, 31 August (in front of shopping mall ‘Ušće’, from 17:00 to 19:00)
Koper, Slovenia, 01 September (Taverna Koper, from 16:00 to 18:00) / Novi Sad, Serbia, 01 September (Central Park, from 17:00 to 19:00)
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 04 September (Park Zvezda, from 15:00 to 17:00)
Ausburg, Germany, 06 September (Königsplatz, from 15:00 to 17:00)
Strasbourg, France, 08 September (Place de la Cathédrale, from 12:00 to 14:00)
Nancy, France, 09 September (University Campus, from 11:00 to 13:00)
Aachen, Germany, 10 September (square at Adalbertstraße/Peterstraße, from 11:00 to 13:00)
Liege, Belgium, 11 September (Cathedral Square, from 15:30 to 17:30)
Brussels, Belgium, 13 September (Place de La Monnaie, from 14:00 to 18:00) and 14 September (Place du jeu de balles, from 16:00 to 18:00)
The Caravan will conclude with a two-day event in Brussels, where young people will present the Youth Manifesto—a vision for the future developed by gathering ideas from local youth in each city.
Events in each city will feature a variety of activities, including theater performances, interactive quizzes, and sewing workshops. These activities aim to raise awareness about fast fashion and propose sustainable alternatives.
Two groups of the Caravan began their journey in Naples (Italy) and Bucharest (Romania) on August 27th and will unite in Ljubljana on September 2nd to continue together.
Lastly, if you want to help make a difference, read the Policy Brief and sign the petition with young people’s demands to the EU. Our goal is to reach 10,000 signatures, so please share if you can. (Remember to confirm your signature via email; otherwise, it will not be valid).
The future of our planet is in our hands—and in our closets. Sign the petition now and choose sustainable shopping.